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Co-curricular & Extracurricular Activities

Five-day FDP On “5G/6G Technologies for Wireless Systems”

The Five-day FDP on “5G/6G Technologies for Wireless Systems” was conducted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, in association EChelon, from 27th to 31st March, 2023 at ATMECE.

The Objectives of the FDP:

  • To introduce the 5G technology and the research areas in the advanced wireless communication technology.
  • To help in identifying the opportunities to flourish the knowledge and pursue research in this area
  • To improve the research abilities of the faculty/Research Scholars in the advanced wireless communication technology.

The Outcomes of the FDP:

  • To apply the 5G/6G technology in the research areas in the advanced wireless communication technology.
  • To utilize Omnet++ and MATLAB tool to implement research ideas in 5G/6G.
  • To understand roadmap for beyond 5G/6G.

For ReportClick here

3-days workshop on PCB Assembly and Soldering process with simulation of circuits using EDA tools

Department of ECE association with IETE Student Forum organized 3-days workshop on PCB Assembly and Soldering process with simulation of circuits using EDA tools for 3rd semester students. Totally 101 students attended the workshop. Objective of the workshop is to to educate the students for designing and developing of PCB Assembling and Soldering process and familiarize with the EDA tool.

PCB Workshop Report

Inter College Technical fest URJA 2k22

Department of Electronics and Communication is organized one-day inter collegiate technical fest URJA-2022 for Diploma Engineering Students in associations with IETE Student Forum (ISF) & Department association (ECHELON) on 3rd August 2022, received overwhelming response in all its events and was a magnificent success.

The motive of this event is to develop various skills of students in Co-Curricular activities and to expose them to the current trends in the technical and professional fields. URJA 2K22, announces several innovative events.

The inauguration took place on 3rd August 2022 at ATMECE Auditorium,  It is inaugurated  by  Dr. Basavaraj L, Principal, Dr. Sachidananda Murthy. L. Administrative officer. Dr. Mahesh P K, HOD, Dept. of ECE, Dr. Prakash Kuravatti and Girish M, Event Coordinators of Urea 2k22, during the inaugural various diploma college students and respective college faculty coordinator were present and detailed schedule of participation guidelines for each everrt were then announced.

Around 180 students from various diploma colleges were participated and cash prize issued for W’inners and Runner-up for the each events. All participants were received technical fest participation certificates.

URJA 2k22 includes various events like:

Eackathon: Build project within 6 hours Prezento: Poster Presentation

Tech-Quiz: Technical Quiz Project Expo: Project Exhibition

Event Coordinators :

Dr. Prakash Kuravatti

Mr. Girish M

ECE Team Shortlisted for Toycathon-2021

Toycathon 2021 is an inter-ministerial initiative organized by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell with support from All India Council for Technical Education, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of MSME, Ministry of Textiles and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

Toycathon-2021 is conceived to challenge India’s innovative minds to conceptualize novel Toy and Games based on Bhartiya civilization, history, culture, mythology and ethos Rediscovering/redesigning traditional Indian toys.

Team name : URJAS
Team members details:

Branch / Semester: ECE / 3rd sem

1. Apoorva Vishwanath
2.  Deeksha M
3. Prajwal B R
Mentor’ s name:
1. Dr. Bhagyashree S R
2. Mrs. Keerthi Kumbar
Team theme: Indian culture. History knowledge of india and ethos
Theme catagory: TYCH67

The various co-curricular activities organised/ conducted  in the department are:

Report of Two Day SEP on  “Introduction to Swift Programming Language”

Department of ECE organized the online skill enrichment programme (SEP) on “Introduction to Swift Programming Language” on 29th and 30th May 2020. The Program targeted all the Engineering branch students. Around 200 participants were registered from various Engineering Colleges such as VVCE, MIT, NIEIT, MRIT, MyCEM, G M Institute of Technology, SJBIT, Manav Rachna University, Bangalore institute of technology, Dayanand sagar academy of Technology and Management, JSSATE and our own students of ATMECE. The program was scheduled in such a way that recorded sessions of the programming examples with Xcode was shared to all the participants though accessible links to watch the videos. Then in order to evaluate the learning ability session wise quiz and attendance forms were sent to participants. As a credentials to the participants who actively involved in the program were provided with e-certificate. Event was coordinated and delivered as a resource person by Mr. Girish M, Asst. Professor, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru.

Webinar “How to become Network Engineer?”

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized Webinar on “How to become Network Engineer? Skill requirements, Career opportunities and growth” on 26th May 2020, at 11 AM for final year Electronics and Communication Engineering students in association with Nawin Gurukula in Zoom Platform. Mr. Naveen Chander C, Mentor-CISCO Network Specialization, Na-WIN Gurukula, Former CA Specialists Riit, Former Network Engineer & SPOC, Wipro Infotech was the speaker. Meeting was initiated by Mrs. Juslin giving the brief introduction about the Speaker. Then Speaker took over the session by briefing about CISCO certification. During the interactive sessions Speaker addressed the student’s questions such as, How to become CISCO Certified Network Engineer & it’s process, any tips for fresher’s? Why we should choose Networking Field? Can you say something about CISCO Network Security Modules & their functionality. How Networking is connected with other Technologies like AI&ML, Software Development, AR&VR, IOT etc..? What will be the Future Trending skills in Network industry. Career Growth for Network Engineer?. Meeting ended with students filling the feedback form in Google form. Mrs.Harshitha N,Asst. Professor  was the Mooderator of the event.

Report of Five Day Workshop on “Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques”

Fig: A Snapshot of the participants along with the coordinators and Resource persons.

Prof. Rajashekar goudapatil, Prof. Sowmya K S and Prof. Roopa were the resource persons. The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of ATME College of Engineering, Mysore had organized five-day workshop on “Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques” from 3rd Feb 2020 to 7th Feb 2020. Totally, 34 students from ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru were participated in this workshop. The workshop was organized by Mrs. Harshitha N and Mr. Manjunath K, Asst. Prof. Department of ECE, ATMECE, Mysuru. The workshop mainly focused on providing the detailed exposure to machine learning programming and engaged students in real-time projects and assignments that have huge implications in real-world industry scenarios. In the Day1 session the introduction and theory concepts were taught in the forenoon session followed by hands on of the same in the afternoon session. The concepts discussed were introduction of Machine Learning, Overview of Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning, Overview of Continuous (Regression) vs Discrete (Classification) Algorithms, Introduction to Tools: Jupyter, Spyder, Colab using python, Overview about Features and Data containers: CSV File, Image (2D, 3D). Day2 focused on concepts of regression and SVM (Support Vector Machine). The Day3 dealt with the Principal Component Analysis and KNN algorithm. In Day4, layer models and classifications were the topic of interest. Finally, in the Day5, web crawling techniques were discussed. The workshop was interactive and quizzes were conducted in the sessions and prizes were given to the participants those who scored highest marks in the quizzes.

One day workshop on “Power converters using PSPICE”

One Day workshop on “Power converters using PSPICE” was conducted for 7th semester students on 2nd November 2019 in association with Echelon. The Resource persons for the workshop were Mrs. Pavithra A C Assistant professor, Dept. of ECE and Mrs. Shalini v S, Assistant professor, Dept. of ECE. The total number of participants for the workshop was 31.The different modules covered in the workshop are as follows. Introduction to PSPICE, Design of Half wave and Full wave rectifier with R and RL load, Design of AC to AC voltage Converter with fixed and variable frequency, Design of Choppers and inverters and case studies. Students simulated different Power Electronics circuits and gained knowledge about Power Electronics in the workshop. The main purpose of conducting the workshop for the students is to make them understand the Power electronics subject in a best efficient way. The different power electronics circuits which are there in theory part were explained and simulated using PSPICE software.


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized internship for final year students on “Internet of Things (IoT)” at ATME college of Engineering from 21st July to 11th August. 28 students from Dept. of ECE and 2 students from CSE attended the internship. Certificates were distributed after the successful completion of internship.

Internet of Things (IoT) is presently a hot technology worldwide. Government, academia, and industry are involved in different aspects of research, implementation, and business with IoT. These domains include agriculture, space, healthcare, manufacturing, construction, water, and mining, which are presently transitioning their legacy infrastructure to support IoT. Today it is possible to envision pervasive connectivity, storage, and computation, which, in turn, gives rise to building different IoT solutions. Therefore, it is very important to learn the fundamentals of this emerging technology. Arduino & Raspberrypi are the most popular hardware prototyping tool among the engineering students, hobbyists and professional. The objective of the (Internet of Things) IoT internship is to:

  • Share knowledge and ideas on IoT among students.
  • Establish a playground for IoT.
  • Develop skills outside the standard university curriculum.
  • Motivate students to take part in inter collegiate project exhibitions on IoT

Arduino basic programs such as interfacing of switch, LED and analog and digital sensors were taught in the initial week. Interfacing of Seven segment display, LCD, Hex keypad, Bluetooth module interface were done during Hands-on session in the later week. Sessions on python programming language was held on 3rd week. Students were taught Python programming from basics and made them execute several programs on the same. Learning python was necessary to execute program using RASPBERRYPI board. Procured IoT Evaluation kit has both arduino and RASPBERRYPI boards embedded on the same. In the Last week of internship students made mini projects based on the various problem statements given by the internship faculty coordinators.

Report on NI LabVIEW Internship Program

LabVIEW (short for Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Work bench) is a platform and development environment for a visual programming language from National Instruments. Scientists and researchers around the world have applied LabVIEW successfully for research and development (R&D) in academia. LabVIEW, is used to build virtual instrumentation and take an effective graphical system design approach.

LabVIEW is a proven integrated development environment for interfacing with measurement and control hardware, analyzing data, publishing results, and distributing systems using a graphical programming approach.

LabVIEW designed to be used in

  • Signal processing, analysis, and connectivity
  • Integration with real-time systems, FPGAs, and other deployment hardware
  • Data management, logging, and reporting
  • Application distribution
  • Development tools and validation
  • Control and simulation

Internship was conducted by Ms. Lavanya shree, National Instruments, Hyderabad and Mr. Mahesh G S from Opti thought, Chennai from 11th to 31st July 2019.

In this course, totally 81 members were participated from ECE Department, out of which 6 faculties of ECE department also undergone with the LabVIEW internship training.

Internship program includes LabVIEW Core I and Core II concepts of programming.

LabVIEW Core-1 Course Details

Navigating LabVIEW:
  • Introducing LabVIEW Environment
  • Comparison with Text Based Programming
  • Creating and using LabVIEW projects
  • Parts of VI-Front Panel-Block Diagram-Icon and Connector Panel-Controls Pallete-Functions Pallete- Documentation of VIs
Creating First Application:
  • Indicators-Controls- wiring the controls and indicators- building VIs- run modes data
  • Types in LabVIEW- development of GUIs- LabVIEW help
  • Searching controls, VIs and functions- implementing a VI- basic arithmetic’s in LabVIEW
  • Understanding the dataflow programming model of LabVIEW
  • Recognizing different data types
  • Tools for developing, cleaning and organizing your VIs
  • Using Express VIs to build a basic VI

LabVIEW Core 2 concepts includes
  • Data acquisition using LabVIEW- digital I/o- analog I/o- reading data from real world- writing data to real world Communicating Data Between Parallel Loops
  • Implementing Design Patterns
  • Creating and Distributing Applications

During Internship Program hands-on sessions was there with MyDAQ and MyRIO hardware kits, which were brought from SJBIT-NI LabVIEW academy, Bengaluru. Students were done with small projects with the hardware kits.

On successful completion of the three-week program, on 31st July 2019 the CLAD certification exam was conducted. Totally 59 members appeared for the exam including six faculty members. Among 59 members, 19 students and five faculties were successful in clearing the Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer(CLAD) certification Exam.


Benefits of the short term training as follows:

  • More than 200 companies like Honeywell, BOSCH, National Semiconductors, BHEL, General Electric Corporation, TATA power, Indian Air Force etc. have been benefited from NI training programme in India.
  • Companies like Siemens, General Electric Corporation, Delphi recruit candidates with experience in LabVIEW.
  • All sorts of hardware and software projects can be done using LabVIEW.
  • CLAD cleared students will be given priority while recruitment.
  • CLAD cleared persons are allowed to give training on LabVIEW and they will get an opportunity to do their own startup.

FDP report on “Advanced Control Theory and LaTeX”

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering organized Five-day National Level Faculty Development Program on ” *Advanced Control Theory & LaTeX* “from 15th to 19th July 2019. The purpose of this workshop was to train the faculty of Nation in the area of control system theory, which is very much essential in today’s scenario to design or invent new system which should be manual or automatic control.

For the detailed report of the FDP Click here.

Report on “Bharat Ratna Dr. Abdul Kalam Gold Medal Award”

Global Economic Progress and Research Association society (GEPRA) (Registered with Government of India) will be mainly involved in the development of trade and industry in country, located in New Delhi. Every year the society will award for the eminent personalities who have contributed his/her excellence in their respective fields.

GEPRA has formed an Expert committee to select awardees for their outstanding contribution to the society. The awards will be given by central cabinet ministers or top level bureaucrats. The award function will be held in the cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkatta. The awards consist of trophy, Certificate and Gold Medal.

This year GEPRA has selected as one of the awardee to Dr. Yathisha L for his excellence in

Education and Research for the society as “BHARAT RATNA Dr. ABDUL KALAM GOLD MEDAL AWARD”. The function was held on 20th July 2019 at hotel Vijaya Residency, Bangalore. The chief guests present in the occasion are as follows:

  1. Hon’ble Patron M. V. Rajashekaran, MLC

Fr. Union Minister of state for planning, Govt. of India

  1. Hon’ble Justice M M Mirde

High Court Judge of Karnataka.

  1. Hon’ble Dr. Rajendra S Prasad

Vice Chancelor, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.

With other distinguished members.

Report on National Level Technical Fest URJA-2K19

On the successful completion of URJA-2k18, the Department of ECE has stepped into conduct national level technical fest “URJA 2K19” an annual contest with multiple technical events and non-technical events. This year, URJA 2K19 received overwhelming response in all the events and was a magnificent success.  The motivation of this event is to develop various skills of students in Co-Curricular activities and to expose them to the current trends in the technical and professional fields. In this URJA 2k19, Department announces several innovative events.

URJA 2K19 includes various events like:

  • Arduino IOT Spire: build project within 24 hours
  • Project Expo: exhibit your working projects
  • Prezento: Present your paper and posters
  • Tech Rig: Quick build of circuits
  • Tech Jumanji: solve the technical puzzles
  • SIMZONE: use any software code to resolve
  • Robo Vertigo: run your robot in predefined path
  • Aero Drone: fly your drone efficiently in a path with obstacles
  • Quizitive: solve the technical questions to win
  • Pix stream: do short video for inside the campus
  • Fast track: super minute games
  • Exitrash: make best model from waste

The technical fest consists of above said events and for all the events Winners take away cash prizes up to Rs.1,00,000/-.  In addition, a College Level Championship – ACE is being conducted with a trophy and a cash reward of Rs. 20,000/- for the winning college*.

URJA 2K19 fest was sponsored by :

  • Palace Toyota
  • Canara bank
  • NJ Stationaries
  • Honda Pvt Ltd. Mysuru

Event website for more details


Program Report on AYUDH

The NSS wing of ATME College of Engineering organized a motivational program for the first year Engineering Students in collaboration with ‘AYUDH’ which is an international youth movement that aims at empowering the modern youth on 16th November 2018.

The purpose of the program was to motivate the students so that they can unleash their inner potential and also to invite students to participate in ‘AYUDH Leaders Training Summit’ to be held in Dec 2018, at Kerala.

The Program Speakers (Resource Persons) were Mr. Chandrasekhar, Mr. Vivek Vijayan, Mr. Krishna Kumar, Mr. Amith and Mr. Arun. The function was presided by Dr. L. Basavaraj, Principal, ATMECE, Mysore.

The program started with the Invocation song by Ms. Raksha and followed by Welcome speech by Mr. Vaibhav Jagganath and Introduction of Resource Persons by Mr. Shashank Nagarkar, a first year student. During the speech, he introduced .Mr. Chandrasekhar, Chartered Account with  25 years of Experience and Visiting faculty at Amrita School of Business, Mr. Vivek Vijayan, National Coordination Committee Member of AYUDH and a software Engineer by Profession with more than 10 years of Experience, Mr. Krishna Kumar, National Coordination Committee Member of AYUDH and System Auditor by Profession and Mr. Amith is also a National Coordination Committee Member of AYUDH, a Yoga and Meditation Teacher by profession and worked as a software Engineer with more than 2 decades of Industry Experience both in India and as well as in Canada. Mr. Arun, Member of Lions Club International for over 22 years, Vice President of Alzheimer’s and related diseases Society of India, Founder Trustee of Abhaya Charitable Trust.

Principal Dr. Basavaraj L gave a Presidential Speech stating that many eminent personalities are gathered in the program and some of them are being software engineers have come to address and share their experiences with the students, He wished all the students may get inspired and motivated from this program.

During the program, Mr. Vivek Vijayan took over the stage and interacted with the students by conducting activity of rhythmic clapping. He told students that any action done in a rhythmicway by all together will create an enormous energy and vibration with this same motive even AYUDH believe that ‘Together We Can’ perform and create a lot more power And he explained about the two meanings of AYUDH, one of them means Aa-Yudh (meaning no war i.e., peace) and other one meaning weapon, where the combined energy of youth is symbolized as a weapon. He motivated students by saying that every single person will have an inner potential which can bring a change in the society and can influence many other people.

The program further continued by Mr. Amit. He shared about the various projects and activities undertaken by AYUDH which are in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) from disaster relief to leadership workshops, Yoga and meditation retreats to visiting Indian villages, Organic cultivation to cleanliness campaigns and many other activities. He ended up his speech by addressing students that Youth i.e. ‘You’ are the Weapon (AYUDH) of the nation and each one should become a role model of the future through which the nation can be built.

Further program was continued by Mr. Chandrasekhar. He addressed and inspired students by playing the videos of celebrities who faced lot of challenges in their life and became successful by their strong determination and Will-Power and became inspiration for many others in the society.

Finally Mr. Krishna Kumar addressed students by sharing his experience of meeting soldiers at battalion, the difficulties that the soldiers and their families are facing to get their basic needs and he also shared that AYUDH has adopted 101 villages and provide all the basic needs to the people of the village. He also shared about the reason behind the beginning of Kargil War and motivated the students to understand their duties and responsibilities towards Nation.

The Team motivated students to join for the Social Services, Green Initiatives and for the Personal Empowerment by joining with AYUDH and encouraged all to participate in AYUDH Leaders Training Summit to be held between December 22nd – 25th 2018, at Amrithapuri Campus in Kerala.

Heads of the Basic Science Department, Dr. Mahesh Lohith, Dr. Md, Eliyas, the Program Convener Dr. Bhagyashree S R, NSS Program Officer/Program Chief Coordinator Mr. Shashidhar S Gokhale, Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE and other NSS Faculty coordinators of all departments were present during the entire Program.


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru has organized five-day workshop on LabVIEW from Wednesday, the 19th September, 2018 to Sunday, 23rd September, 2018, in association with NI LabVIEW Academy, SJBIT, Bengaluru, sponsored by Institute of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineers (IETE), Mysuru. Totally, 112 students from ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru and various other Engineering Colleges participated. Dr. Ravikumar A V, Chief coordinator, LabVIEW Academy, SJBIT, Bangalore, during the inauguration ceremony said that their academy has conducted LabVIEW workshop in many Colleges in and around Bangalore. It is the only certified organization to teach LabVIEW in Karnataka State, with many Engineers from various companies such as IBM, Infineon etc. visit their academy for getting trained in LabVIEW.


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of ATME College of Engineering, Mysore had organized a two-day workshop from 2nd to 3rd November, 2018 on Mobile Making and IOT (Internet-of-things) in association with ITC – IIT-Bombay. Totally, 70 students from ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru and various other Engineering Colleges attended. At the end of the Workshop session a cash prize of Rs. 2000 was awarded to the best two teams as “Best performers of the Workshop” to encourage analytical skills of the students which was bagged by Srivatsa and his team and Suhas P and his team, who are students of Dept. of ECE, ATME College of Engineering, Mysore.

URJA 2K18-State level Technical Fest

The Department of Electronics and communication Engineering had organized a two–day state level Technical fest “Urja-2k18” in association with IETE, Mysuru on 19th and 20th March 2018 for the students pursuing B.E in ECE/TCE/EIE department. In this regard many technical events such as Build to hack, RoboExpo, Techquest, SoftGyan, Circutrix, Mr and Ms Electronics and Micropix were organized. Various college students had taken part and each event winners was awarded with exciting cash prize. All the participants were given participation certificates.

Industrial Visit was arranged for 8thsem students to ISRO, Bangalore. It was coordinated by Mr. Shashidhar S Gokhale, Associate .Prof. and Ms. Darshini M B, Assistant. Prof.

Mini Project Exhibition

The department had organised mini-project exhibition for pre final year students. The students were asked to display their mini project models which were designed and built in college in a group of 2 or 3 members in a team.

  • Most of the faculties & all the students are members of professional bodies like ISTE, IETE and ECHELON.
  • IETE student forum (ISF) is regularly organizing special talks & workshops for students by experts on cutting edge areas like NI LabVIEW, LATEX, MATLAB etc.

FDP on  Computer Networks using Network Simulator

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of ATME College of Engineering, Mysore organized Three-day state level Faculty development programme (FDP)  on “Computer Networks using Network Simulator” from 2nd to 4th  January, 2018, in association with IETE, Mysuru and VTU Belagavi. Thirty Faculties from various Engineering Colleges participated in this FDP.  The workshop  were  Coordinated by Dr. Bhagyashree S R, Professor, Dept. of ECE, Dr. Prakash  K, Associate Professor, Dept of ECE, and Mrs.Prathiba M K, Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE  under the organizing Chair Dr. Mahesh P K, HOD, Dept of ECE.

Mr Siddlingappagouda C Biradar, Mr. Sangam Kumar and Mr Srinivas P Gudi, Assistant Professors From DBIT, Bengaluru were the resource persons. The participants were given opportunity to do hands-on session for Laboratory Experiments using NS2.


  • Three Day FDP on “ARM Cortex M3 Microcontrollers”

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru had organized a three – day faculty development programme on “ARM Cortex M3 Microcontrollers” from 14th to 16th December, 2017, in association with ALS Bengaluru. It was sponsored by Institute of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineers (IETE), Mysuru. Totally 25 faculties form the various colleges were participated in the above said FDP. The workshop was coordinated by Chief Coordinator Dr. Mahesh P K, HOD, Convener Dr. Yathisha L and Co-Conveners Girish M and Harshitha N, Asst. Professors, Dept. of ECE, ATME with Dr. L. Basavaraj, Principal, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru as organizing chair.

The Resource persons were Mr. Sunil V Shamatnavr, General Manager, ALS Bengauru, Mr. Harish V Mekali, Technical Consultnat, ALS Bengaluru and Mr. Nandish K S, Senior technical support Engineer, ALS Bengaluru.

The above picture shows lighting of the lamp by dignitaries during the inauguration ceremony

The workshop mainly focused on ARM cortex M3 microcontrollers development in the recent trend, along with how microcontrollers were viewed with respect to industrial applications. In the day 1, Mr. Sunil T S addressed the participants with different solutions available to accomplish embedded systems secondly Mr. Harish V Mekali took the second session in which overview of Microcontrollers history and drastic development in the field of ARM processors. Different versions of ARM and ARM Cortex version microcontrollers. Apart from this how to do assembly code to M3 microcontroller has been introduced.

In Day 2, Lab sessions were started in the morning with mainly concentrated on the Practical laboratory experiments as per the VTU CBCS syllabus like how to interface ADC, DAC, Stepper motor, LCD display and Hex Keypad to get the value pressed by the user in Keypad.

In Day 3, Mr. Nandish takeover the session and in which how to program hardware interrupts in the Cortex board and UART to monitor the messages required. Most importantly all sessions in day 2 and day 3 are practical in which all participants provides with ARM Cortex M3 LPC1768 hardware bard is provided.

On the final day last session is dedicated to question and answer session, here mini project ideas that can be incorporated to curriculum project for the students has been discussed.

  • Five Day National level workshop on “Applications of Advanced Embedded Systems using NI    LabVIEW & ARDUINO

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru had organized a five-day National level workshop on “Applications of Advanced Embedded Systems using NI LabVIEW & ARDUINO” from 27th to 31st October, 2017, in association with IETE Student Forum (ISF), NI LabVIEW Academy, Dept. of ECE, SJBIT, Bengaluru. One hundred and eighty five students from ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru and other Engineering Colleges such as CIT, Ponnampet, NIEIT and GSSSIETW, Mysuru participated in this workshop. The workshop was coordinated by Chief Coordinator Dr. Mahesh P K, HOD, Conveners Dr. Yathisha L and Pavithra A C and Co-Conveners Amrith Poonacha and Girish M, Asst. Professors, Dept. of ECE, ATME with Dr. L. Basavaraj, Principal, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru as organizing chair.

The above picture shows lighting of the lamp by a student during the inauguration ceremony on 27th October, 2017

The Resource persons were Dr. Ravikumar A V, Associate Professor, Chief Coordinator, Shreenidhi and Nagarjun Gowda, LabVIEW Academy, SJBIT, Bengaluru, Darshini M B, Asst. Professor and Kishan V, ATMECE, Mysuru.

The workshop mainly focused on LABVIEW, which is a graphical programming environment used to develop sophisticated measurement, test and control systems as well as interfacing with Arduino. Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. Arduino consists of both physical programmable circuit board (often referred to as a microcontroller) and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs on computer, used to write and upload computer code on to the physical board. This course provides the participants the knowledge and know-how to explore concepts with accelerated learning, and enables them to seamlessly apply their knowledge to design experiments and develop their own applications with hardware.

As the finale of the workshop, MINI PROJECT COMPETITION was held between teams with four members in each team formed on their own. The first prize, which was a cash prize of Rs. 2000/-, was bagged by one of the teams from CIT, Gonikoppa. Two teams, one each from GSSSIETW and ATME won consolation prizes. Elintz Lab, Bengaluru provided he Hardware kits which were procured by ATMECE Mysuru.

  • Five day workshop on NI LabVIEW from 6th to 10th April 2017

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of ATME College of Engineering, Mysore has organized five day workshop on LabVIEW from Thursday, the 6th April, 2017 to Monday, 10th April, 2017, in association with NI LabVIEW Academy, SJBIT, Bangalore, sponsored by Institute of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineers (IETE), Mysore. Around one hundred students from ATME College of Engineering, Mysore and various other Engineering Colleges of Mysore zone are participating in this workshop. The workshop is coordinated by Dr. Mahesh P K, HOD, Department of ECE, Convener Mr. Yathisha L, Co-Convener Mr. Chandan G N, Asst. Professors, Dept. of ECE, ATME with Dr. L. Basavaraj, Principal, ATME College of Engineering, Mysore as organizing chair.

The workshop mainly focuses on LABVIEW, which is a graphical programming environment used to develop sophisticated measurement, test and control systems. Upon the completion of the course the participants will be able to explore concepts with accelerated learning, and seamlessly apply their knowledge to design experiments and develop their own applications with hardware.

Dr. Ravi Kumar A V, Chief coordinator, LabVIEW Academy, SJBIT, Bangalore, during the inauguration ceremony said that their academy has organized LabVIEW workshop in many Colleges in and around Bangalore. It is the only certified organization to teach LabVIEW in Karnataka State, with many Engineers from various companies such as IBM, Infineon etc. visit their academy for getting trained in LabVIEW.

Dr. L Basavaraj in his presidential speech during the inauguration of the workshop advised students to take part in more and more of such workshops during their course and make their resumes stronger to increase their chances of success in their job interviews.

The above picture shows lighting of the lamp during the inauguration ceremony on 6th April, 2017.

  • Two-day Zonal level workshop on Android and its applications

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of ATME College of Engineering, Mysore organized Two-day Zonal level workshop on Android and its applications from 21st to 22nd January, 2017, in association with Grape Labs, Mysuru. It was sponsored by Echelon and Institute of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineers (IETE), Mysuru Center. Forty students from various Engineering Colleges participated in this workshop. The workshop was coordinated by Yathisha L, Chandan G N and Amrith Poonacha, Asst. Professors, Dept. of ECE, ATME under the guidance of Dr. S. R. Bhagya Shree, HOD, Dept. of ECE and under the leadership of Dr. L. Basavaraj, Principal, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru.

Android is an open source Linux based operating System designed mainly for smart phones and tablets. Owing to the popularity of Android, Mobile application development industries are considering Android application development as one of the best remunerative business opportunities. The need to hire knowledgeable mobile application developer is intense. Abhay from Grape Labs gave an overview of Android, its applications and the extensive job opportunities in the field.  Resource persons Karthik B Bhargav, Kaustubh B Bhargav, Kishore Nayak N and Koushik interacted with the participants and taught the topics Java and C. The participants were given tools to develop Android applications in the hands on session. The students were able to develop entry level applications by the end of the workshop. Prof. M J Sampath Kumar,  Chairman, IETE , Mysuru Center, Dr. Gayathri S, Honorary Secretary, IETE Mysuru.

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