Student Circulars(AY:2023-24) (latest First order) fees cir 24-25 - 19/08/2024 fees cir 24-25 Circular_Independence-Day-2024 - 14/08/2024 Circular_Independence Day 2024 CIRCULAR-_-Important-Information-on-Semester-Commencement-RegistrationID-cards-replacement-for-2024-25 - 09/08/2024 CIRCULAR _ Important Information on Semester Commencement, Registration,ID cards replacement for 2024-25. CIRCULAR _2nd year students Soft Skill training regarding - 06/06/2024 CIRCULAR _2nd year students Soft Skill training regarding CIRCULAR-_NPTEL-MOOC-course-certification-regarding - 04/06/2024 CIRCULAR _NPTEL & MOOC course certification regarding CIRCULAR-_Ban-on-carrying-Mobile-phones-to-the-college-premises - 27/05/2024 CIRCULAR _Ban on carrying Mobile phones to the college premises. CIRCULAR_1st Year Fee Regarding - 03/04/2024 Circular _195 1 CIRCULAR _ 2nd and 3rd year fees regarding - 26/03/2024 CIRCULAR _ 2nd and 3rd year fees regarding CIRCULAR _1st year students details for examination form. - 17/01/2024 CIRCULAR-_1st-year-students-details-for-examination-form.pdf Download File View Fullscreen × CIRCULAR _Rashtriya Yuva Diwas - 12/01/2024 CIRCULAR-_Rashtriya-Yuva-Diwas.pdf Download File View Fullscreen × CIRCULAR _SSP Scholarship ID - 01/01/2024 CIRCULAR-_SSP-Scholarship-ID.pdf Download File View Fullscreen × CIRCULAR-_1st-year-Admission - 13/12/2023 CIRCULAR _Crime Prevention Month -2023 - 12/12/2023 Awareness program on voting - 07/12/2023 SSP-SC-ST-Circular - 05/12/2023 SSP-OBC-Circular - 05/12/2023 CIRCULAR _2nd Internal Assessment - 01/12/2023 CIRCULAR-_-Kanakadasa-Jayanti - 29/11/2023 CIRCULAR-_Kannada-Rajyotsava - 24/11/2023 CIRCULAR _ VTU portal registration - 23/11/2023 Indian Constitution day Observation circular - 23/11/2023 NPTEL CIRCULAR - 20/11/2023 CIRCULAR_CHANGE OF BRANCH Regarding - 18/11/2023 VTU_NOTIFICATION_CHANGE OF BRANCH - 18/11/2023 Transportation circular - 17/11/2023 Transportation_circular - 17/11/2023 Guidelines for issuing students ID cards for the Academic Year 2023-24 - 16/11/2023 VTU Portal Registration Circular - 15/11/2023