Department Facilities:
Staff Facilities:
The Department of Mechanical Engineering has well-furnished Staff Rooms. Each Staff member is provided with a cubical with LAN connection. The staff room is enabled with Wi-Fi and Intercom facility. Also, the Staff room is equipped with the Computing Systems with internet Connections. A separate lounge is provided for Departmental meetings and Discussions.
Student Facilities:
The Department has State of the art infrastructure in order to foster the needs of Students. All the laboratories are well equipped with latest and modern tools and equipment’s. The department also houses the departmental Library with more than 600 volumes of technical Books.
The class rooms contain modern teaching Aids like Smart boards, Overhead Projectors along with conventional Chalk and talk for Teaching and Learning. Clean Drinking water (RO-UV treated) facility is provided in each floor.
A Separate Project lab is provided in order to carry out the project work by the students with the basic facilities.
Departmental Library:
- The departmental library is started with an idea to cater the needs of the students to enhance their knowledge by providing more additional books for their reference.
- At present the Department library comprises more than 800 volumes of various disciplines in the Mechanical Engineering.
Lab Infrastructure:
Engineering Graphics lab
Engineering Graphics lab is common for first year students of all branches of engineering. Here they learn Basic Engineering Drawing using Solid Edge software.
Lab is facilitated with Dell Desktops with LAN connectivity, Epson multimedia projector and Smart Board Facility. Computer systems with LAN connection are provided to individual students.
Material Testing lab
Mechanical Engineering students are going to learn this lab in Second Year. In this lab students learn about material testing using various Modern testing Machines.
Major equipments include Vickers Hardness, Brinell Hardness and Rockwell testing machines, Impact Testing Machine, Torsion Testing Machine, Fatigue Testing Machine, Wear Testing Machine, Magnetic Crack detector, Ultra Sonic flaw detector, Single disc Polishing Machine, Die penetrate tester , Metallographic inverted microscope, Universal Testing Machine – 60T capacity.
Machine Shop
Mechanical Engineering students are going to learn this lab in Second Year. Here the students learn various machining operations performed on Machine Tools such as Lathe, Milling, Drilling, Grinding, Shaping etc. Here they prepare models using a Metal work piece.
Major equipments include all geared lathe Machine, Shaping Machine, Drilling Machine, Milling Machine, Bench Grinding Machine, Hand Cutting machine.
Foundry and Forging Lab
Mechanical Engineering students are going to learn this lab in Second Year. This lab exposes the students to Sand Molding process, various types of molding sands and conduct experiments to find their properties. In forging section students learn about hot working of metals using various forging tools.
Major equipments include Universal Sand Testing Machine with Attachments, Sieve Shaker Machine, Rapid moisture tester Machine, Permeability meter, Hardness tester, Clay content tester, Moisture content tester, Specimen Drier with digital temperature indicator, Electronic Balance, Muffle Furnace, Centrifugal Blower with motor, Smithy Furnace.
Mechanical Measurements and Metrology Lab
In this lab students learn about the various techniques of measurement, use of various measuring instruments, identification of errors with-in the instruments and the means of Calibration. They are also exposed to the various standards that incorporated in Industries to aid the process of Quality control. Major equipments include Calibration of Pressure gauge, Calibration of Thermocouple, Calibration of L.V.D.T, Calibration of Load Cell, Strain & young’s modules, Autocollimator, Sine bar and Sine center, Bevel protractor, Gear tooth micrometer, Lathe tool Dyanamometer, Drill tool Dyanamometer, Slip gauge box, Mechanical Comparator std, Floating carriage micrometer and Magnetic stand with Dial gauge.
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery lab
Mechanical Engineering students are going to learn this lab in third year. Students conduct experiments to find Fluid Mechanics properties like coefficient of discharges, Major and Minor losses in flow through pipes etc. They also conduct experiments to find performance characteristics of Fluid machines like Water Turbines and Air compressor. Major equipments include Pelton wheel turbine apparatus, Francis turbine apparatus, Centrifugal pump test rig, Centrifugal air blower, Two stage reciprocating air compressor test rig, Impact of jet apparatus, Orifice and Venturimeter apparatus, Friction through pipes apparatus, Nozzle apparatus, Minor loses in pipes apparatus, V-notch apparatus and Reciprocating pump test rig
Energy Lab
Here the students conduct experiments to find properties of Fuels and Lubricating oils, experiments on various I C engine Test rigs to evaluate performance characteristics.
Major equipments include flash and fire point apparatus, Viscometers, Planimeter, Digital Bomb calorimeter, Boy’s Gas calorimeter, 4 stroke Single cylinder Diesel Engine, 2 stroke single cylinder petrol engine test Rig, 4- stroke single cylinder petrol engine test rig, 4- stroke single Cylinder Variable Compression Ratio petrol engine test rig, Valve Timing Diagram Port Timing Diagram, 4- stroke single cylinder Diesel engine test rig, 4 Stroke Multi Cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig – 3 Cylinder, Cut section of 2 Stroke single cylinder petrol engine and Cut section of 4 Stroke single cylinder diesel engine.
Heat Transfer Lab
In this lab experiments are conducted to understand three modes of heat transfer viz., Conduction, Convection and Radiation. They also conduct performance tests on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning systems.
Major equipments include Thermal Conductivity of Metal rod apparatus, Heat Transfer coefficient composite wall apparatus, Heat Transfer through Natural convection, Forced convection, through Pin Fin apparatus, Emissivity Measurement apparatus, Steafan Boltzman Apparatus, Parallel Flow And Counter Flow Heat Exchange Apparatus, Drop and Film Condensation Apparatus, Transient Conduction Heat Transfer Apparatus, Vapour Compression refrigeration Test rig and Vapour Compression Air Conditioning Test Rig.
Modelling and Analysis lab
Mechanical Engineering students are going to learn this lab in third year. Students learn about numerical software tool in this lab and also they use workbenches like Static Structural, Thermal, Modal and Hormonic to solve the problems of the respective area.
Lab is facilitated with Dell Desktop optiplex systems, Generic required Softwares and Epson LCD Projector.
Final year students learn CNC part programing using simulation Software. Students are going to develop the part program for a given model and simulate the same. Knowledge about Flexible Manufacturing System, Robotics and Hydraulic and Pneumatic systems are given to students which are a part of Advanced Manufacturing System.
Lab is facilitated with Dell Desktop optiplex systems, Generic required Softwares and Epson LCD Projector.
Design lab
Final year students are exposed to this lab, where they learn about Machine dynamics, Stress analysis, and Vibrating systems. Here students get hand-on experience about acquired theoretical knowledge.
Major equipments include Journal Bearing apparatus, Principal Stress and Strain Apparatus, Balancing of Rotating Masses, Vibration Studies apparatus, Whirling of Shaft apparatus, Motorized Gyroscope, Curved Beam Apparatus, Polariscope and Universal Governor Apparatus
Project Lab
Project lab is used by the final year students to fabricate their projects. The facilities Fitting, Welding and Sheet metal work. Various equipment and Engineering tools are provided in this lab.
Major equipments include Bench vices, Leg vice, Fitting tools, Arc welding Machine and Sheet metal work tools.