ip stresser


Academic Year

Total No. of students Campus placed Off campus Total placed Higher studies Total Entrepreneur


2023-24 33 0 9 9 2 2 0 11
2022-23* 69 13 25 38 1 39 0 39*
2021-22 132 38 02 40 1 41 0 41
2020-21 97 28 25 54 1 55 0 55
2019-20 113 3 38 41 2 43 0 43
2018-19 110 12 37 49 2 51 0 51
AY 2023-24 Year CGPA USN Name
2nd Year 8.13 4AD22ME001 AKSHAY H B
7.81 4AD22ME003 DARSHAN R
3rd Year 6.98 4AD21ME004 LIKHITH A P
6.78 4AD21ME001 ABHISHEK R L
4th Year 8.2 4AD21ME406 MADHUSUDAN R
8.13 4AD21ME401 ADARSHA M


2nd Year 6.83 4AD21ME001 Abhishek R L
6.43 4AD21ME004 Likhith A P
3rd Year 7.99 4AD21ME401 Adarsha M
7.90 4AD21ME406 Madhusudan R
4th Year 9.09 4AD19ME023 Prajwal M Y
8.68 4AD19ME006 Chandrakanth J
Years CGPA USN Name
2nd Year 7.60 4AD21ME401 Adarsha M
7.38 4AD21ME406 Madhusudan R
3rd Year 8.97 4AD19ME023 Prajwal M Y
8.53 4AD19ME006 Chandrakanth J
4th Year 8.60 4AD18ME055 Vaibhav G Jagannath
8.59 4AD19ME441 Naveen M
Year:  2020-21
II-Year 8.83 SGPA 4AD19ME023 Mr. Prajwal M Y
8.38 SGPA 4AD19ME006 Mr. Chandrakanth J
III Year 8.24 SGPA 4AD18ME003 Mr. Azmathulla Khan
8.00 SGPA 4AD18ME016 Mr. Jeevankumar M
IV-Year 9.00 SGPA 4AD17ME043 Mr.Mohammed Zain
8.93 SGPA 4AD17ME014 Mr Chandan Kumar M D
Year:  2019-20
II-Year 8.42 SGPA Mr. Naveen M
8.29 SGPA Mr. Mohammed Jeelani H
III Year 8.69 SGPA Mr.Mohammed Zain
8.69 SGPA Mr. Santhosh Kumar S
IV-Year 9.17 SGPA Mr. Mohammed Faraz Ur Rahman
9.13 CGPA Mr. Mohammed Khan Yousuf

Year:  2018-19

II-Year 8.25 CGPA Mr. Mohammed Zain
7.77 CGPA Mr. Sanju Joel
III Year 8.69 CGPA Mr.Mohammed Faraz Ur Rahman
8.50 CGPA Mr. Irfan Pasha
IV-Year 9.29 CGPA Mr. Adarsh Gowda
9.13 CGPA Mr. Vedith Uthaiah K T
Year:  2017-18
I-year 8.375 SGPA Mr. Chandan Y
8.02 SGPA Mr. Mohammed Zain
II-Year 8.80 CGPA Mr. Mohammed Faraz Ur Rahman
8.32 CGPA Mr. Krishna Prasad Bhat
III Year 8.83 CGPA Mr. Harron Hakeem A
8.46 CGPA Mr. Nithin Muralidhar
IV-Year 81.23% Mr. Sunil Kumar M K
80.56% Mr. Sharath Rajendra
I-year 8.75CGPA Mr. Mohammad Faraz Ur Rahman
8.75CGPA Ms. Asha D
II-Year 79% Mr. Harron Hakeem A
75.63% Mr. Manojkumar B M
III Year 76% Abhilash  L
75% Sagar M K
IV-Year 84% Ms. Niveditha L
82% Mr. Manoj S
I-year 8.95 CGPA Mr. Mohammad Faraz Raza
8.71 CGPA Mr. Haroon Hakeem
II-Year 72.17% Mr. Abhilash L
71.77% Ms.Asha R
III Year 79% Ms. Neveditha L
74% Mr. Deepak Madappa
IV-Year 83% Mr. Bharath T V
81% Mr. Ganesh N
USN Student Name  Title Guide
4AD18ME017 Arjun J R Farmer friendly multipurpose Agri robot Mr. Rohith S
4AD21ME410 Nakul P
4AD21ME418 Vijay Shankar N S
4AD21ME420 Vishal S
4AD20ME012 Rayyan Ahmed Development of Multipurpose Agricultural Insecticide Sprayer Dr. Chethan S
4AD21ME401 Adarsha M
4AD21ME402 Akshay S
4AD21ME406 Madhusudan R
USN Student Name Title


4AD19ME018 Muhammed Raashid Affordable stairs lift for elderly and physically challenged Dr. Chethan S
4AD19ME021 Naveen Raju P
4AD20ME425 Pavan Thejasvi R
4AD20ME435 Yashwanth Kumar S
4AD19ME009 Hannan Ahmed Khan Semi-Automatic Ventilator assisted with ARDUINO Dr. Mohanakumara K C
4AD19ME015 Mir Ashfaq Ahmed
4AD19ME022 Padmanabha K
4AD19ME032 Varadaraj N


Student Name Title


4AD18ME045 Saqlainulla shariff Study of mechanical properties of reinforced epoxy hybrid composite with Nano particles and glass fibers for elevated temperature applications Dr. Md. Nadeem M
4AD18ME055 Vaibhav G jaganaath
4AD18ME038 Peter AX
4AD19ME460 Sahana S
4AD19ME427 M C Karthik Fabrication of Pneumatic controlled coconut water extraction and splitter Dr. Mohana kumara K C
4AD19ME433 Manoj S V
4AD19ME403 Abhishek Gowda C A
4AD19ME426 Kishore R
P14 4AD17ME034 MOHAMMED AFNAN Design and Development of engine oil Quality testing device for Automotive vehicle Dr. Suresh Kumar S
P08 4AD17ME068 SANJU JOEL IOT based smart agricultural management and recommendation system. Mr. Karthik Kumar M
P26 4AD16ME029  Krishna Prasad Bhat G Design and Fabrication of Organic Fertilizer Making Machine By Composting Method Mr. Yashwanth N
4AD16ME034 Manoj J
4AD17ME430 Prajwal R P
4AD17ME433 Punith N
P22 4AD14ME011  Ali Abbas Iot Based Air Pollution Monitoring System Using Drone Mr. Karthik Kumar M
4AD16ME010 Atith N
4AD16ME023 Gopinath U
4AD16ME031 Manjunath N M
P33 4AD17ME408 G Madhuvardhan Multi Axes Solar Tracking System Dr. Mohanakumara K C
4AD17ME423 Manoj S
4AD17ME435 Rakshith P
4AD17ME447 Swetha N B
A1 4AD15ME024 Harron Hakeem A Fabrication of Sugarcane Harvester Prof. Harsha D N
4AD15ME041 Mohammed Arshad
4AD15ME050 Mohamed Raza Faraz
4AD15ME051 Mohammed Waheed U R
A4 4AD15ME006 Ajay N Kumar Design and Fabrication of Scum Removal machine in Jaggery Park Prof. Niranjan Kumar V S
4AD15ME011 Arun Rangappa Haramballi
4AD15ME028 Jayanth Narayana
4AD15ME046 Manjuprasad V
A5 4AD15ME009 Ananthashayana R Fabrication of portable Finer Millet (RAGI) Threshing Machine Prof. Suresh Kumar S
A-14 4AD14ME007 Adnan Khan Development of low cost 3d printer Prof. Karthik Kumar M
4AD14ME009 Akshath P D
4AD14ME035 Mohammed Suhaim
4AD14ME041 Nikhil K
A-16 4AD13ME036 Kushal Gowda Y N Design and Fabrication of Corn de-seeding Machine Prof. Pavan kumar K P
4AD15ME416 Harshakumar D M
4AD15ME441 Pushpa M C
4AD15ME446 Rvikumara M H
A-9 4AD15ME403 Akshay V To Study Surface Roughness, Residual stress and Mechanical Properties of Al-2024 by Using Air Blast Shot Peening Method Prof. Suresh Kumar S
4AD15ME409 Chethan M R
4AD15ME423 Koushik Gowda M V
4AD15ME426 Manoj A R
A-1 4AD13ME030 Jaffar Khan S Design and Fabrication of quad leaning Suspension Prof. Suresh Kumar S
4AD13ME047 Md. AsfaqueShariff
4AD13ME050 Md. Salik
4AD13ME055 Md. Zaianullabadian
A-3 4AD13ME039 Mahendra H S Design and Fabrication of Minitiller Prof. Rakshith N
4AD13ME040 Mallikarjuna K R
4AD13ME041 Manjunath S
4AD13ME042 Manohar H S
A-8 4AD13ME007 Abhishek Gowda C A Hybrid Solar Dryer Prof. Tejendra Prasad
4AD13ME012 Akshay Kumar S
4AD13ME029 J Infant Joshua
4AD13ME062 Niveditha L
A-1 4AD12ME002 Abdul Ghani Solar powered vehicle for automatic crack detection in railway track Prof. Devaraj M R
4AD13ME444 Abdul Harun
4AD12ME051 Md, Shakquib
4AD12ME053 MoinAhemad
A-13 4AD12ME018 Bharath T V Design & Fabrication of Magnetic Breaking System Prof. Niranjan V S
4AD12ME036 Lokesh T Chowdary
4AD12ME039 Madan Kumar D
4AD12ME042 Md. Suhan
A-8 4AD12ME008 Adib Salam Khan Design & fabrication roti pressing machine Prof. Suresh Kumar S
4AD12ME047 Md. Arfat Mani
4AD12ME048 Md. Ali Salman
4AD12ME049 Md. Azka Gowda
Publications In journals Conferences
National International National  International





Text Books Published:

Text Book Author/s
Turbo Maachines Dr. M S Govinde Gowda
Elements of Mechanical Engineering Mr. Harsha D N
Mr. Mohammed Nadeem
Mr. Rohith S
Control Engineering Mr. SwarnaKiran S
CNC Programming and Robotics Mr. Harsha D N
Mr. Mohammed Nadeem


Text Book Author/s
Elements of Mechanical Engineering

Mr. Harsha D N

Mr. Mohammed Nadeem

Mr. Rohith S

Control Engineering  Mr. SwarnaKiran S
CNC Programming and Robotics

Mr. Harsha D N

Mr. Mohammed Nadeem

Journal Reviewers:

Name Journal Type
Dr. Rathnakar G IJCEM, IJIRT,GRD Journals, IJCRT International
Dr Srinivasa K  Materials Todays Proceeding  International
Dr Chethan S  Reviewed several articles submitted to Materials Today Proceedings Journal – Elsevier Publications

Reviewed several articles submitted to the Journal of Applied Polymer Science – Wiley Publications.

Reviewed an article submitted to the Open Science Journal.

Judge for the International Conference on Advances in Materials, Ceramics and Engineering Sciences – (AMCES -2020) organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore.

Session Chair for the International Conference on Advances in Mechanical 

Engineering Sciences & Management (ICAMESM 2020) organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore.

Dr. Md Nadeem M   Materials Todays Proceeding International
Mr. Yathisha N International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), Physical Science International Journals International
  1. Dr.Mohanakumara K C, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Department was identified as Board of Examiners (BOE) member for Academic year 2024-25 from VTU
  2. Dr.Chethan S, Assistant Professor and Head of Mechanical Engineering Department was identified as Board of Examiners (BOE) member for Academic year 2023-24 from VTU
  3. Dr. Ravichandran G  awarded with Ph.D in the Mechanical Department Research Centre guided by Dr.Rathnakar G, Dean student Affair, Department of Mechanical Engineering in the year 2022
  4. Dr. M S Govinde Gowda,  Dean Academics, Department of Mechanical Engineering,  BOE Chairman VTU Belagavi AY 2021-22
  5. Dr. Suresh Kumar S, Associate ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical Engineering is awarded with PG Diploma in yoga Shastra 2021
  6. Dr. Md Nadeem M, Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical Engineering is awarded with Best Young Scientist Award for his outstanding performance in teaching and research by Novel Research Academy, A Registered Enterprise under Govt. of India. Ref No: NRA/BYSA/0111368/2020-2021
  7. Dr.Suresh Kumar S, Associate ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical Engineering is awarded with Ph.D in the field of Composite Materials and Residual Stress  under the guidance of Dr G Mallesh in the year 2021
  8. Dr.Chethan S , Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical Engineering is awarded with Ph.D in the field of Composite Materials under the guidance of Dr. Suresha S and Dr. Govardhan goud in the year 2020
  9. Dr.Mohanakumara K C , Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical Engineering is awarded with Ph.D in the field of Composite Materials under the guidance of Dr. Ajit Prasad S L. in the year 2020
  10. Dr. Srinivasa K, Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering is awarded with Best Paper Award for  the year 2020
  11. Dr. Md Nadeem M, Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical Engineering is awarded with Ph.D in the field of Nano Composite Materials under the guidance of Dr Ravishankar R in the year 2020
  12. Pradeep Kumar K B , Mechanic, Department of Mechanical Engineering is awarded with Best Technical Staff for the year 2019
  13. Thejkumar J, Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical Engineering is awarded with Best Teacher for the year 2018
  14. Dr. Srinivasa K, Associate ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical Engineering is awarded with Ph.D in the field of Composite Materials under the guidance of Dr. Paramashivamurthy in the year 2018.
  • Mr. Abhishek R L from 6th semester was awarded Best performing ISTE chapter student award from Indian Society for Technical Education ISTE Karnataka State Section during 2023-24.

Report on IICDC Contest

About IICDC:

Texas Instruments in collaboration with Department of Science and Technology (DST), powered by AICTE mission proudly announce the DST & Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 anchored by NSRCEL, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) and supported by MyGov. The contest is open for all Indian engineering students pursuing undergraduate, postgraduate &Doctoral degrees with Indian engineering colleges.

Texas Instruments (TI) invites all student innovators, thinkers and makers of the country to join the revolution, who have a dream to create something new, aspire to make a difference, contribute to India’s success towards becoming an Innovation Hub.

Team ID: 1392433

Topic: “Low cost IOT based EV charging”

Our college students, MOHAMMED FARAAZ UR RAHMAN (4AD16ME040), MOHAMMED  SHUAIB  KHAN (4AD16ME043), MOHAMMED  YOUSUF KHAN (4AD16ME045) & SHAHBAZ PASHA (4AD16ME072) Had participated in India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 (IICDC). The students had cleared all the rounds and selected for final rounds. Due to pandemic all the rounds were held virtually. And in final rounds they have been awarded with the cash prize Rs. 19477/- on 31.05.2021 and the cash price was declard on 14.06.2021

Mentor for the team: Mr. Karthik Kumar M (Asst. Prof. Department of ME, ATMECE, Mysore )

  • Students participated in DST and Texas instruments india innovation Challenge Design Contests 2019.
  • Students took active participation in Automotive Technology Fair 2018 and few presented a paper,Students participated in TRIATHLON-state level technical competation held at VVCE, Mysore on 8th to 9th Sep 2018.
  • Student participation in state level Project exhibition conducted at VVIET Mysore on 31 MAY 2017, Design and fabrication of Mini Tiller -Bagged 3rd price in the event
  • Student participation in Student project program Exhibition held at NMAM IT, NITTE on 11-12 AUG 2017, Design and fabrication of coin operated portable water vending machine”. This project was adjudged as one of the outstanding projects of the year and was selected for the “Project of the year”.
  • Students participation in Skill development systems for work force Engineers and managers, held at ALVA’S Institute of engineering and technology, moodbidre on 20-22 APR 2017: Won second price. Mr.Manoj.S, Mr. Niraj.M.M, MrNanjappa P.U
  • Students participated in international conference ETME-2017 held at CIT, Mandya on 27th and 28th December 2017, “Computer Numerically Controlled Multi Operational Machine” paper presented by Syed Ikhtiar Kashif and team won Best Paper award.
  • Four of our student projects fetch the grants from Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) for the year 2016-17.

Papers Published by Students:

  • VISHAL S, VIJAY SHANKAR N S, NAKUL P, ARJUN J R, CHETHAN S, ROHITH S, Farmer Friendly Multi-Operational Agro Machine, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, VOLUME 7, ISSUE 5, MAY 2024
  • NAGESHA S, PREETHI S, RAGHU L, MR. HEMANTH B R, MR. ROHITH S, DR. CHETHAN S Automated Sensor based Fire Extinguisher Mounted on AGV , International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, VOLUME 7, ISSUE 5, MAY 2024
  • RAYYAN AHMED TANVEER, ADARSHA M, AKSHAY S, MADHUSUDAN R, DR. CHETHAN S, MR. HEMANTH B R, Development of Multi Crop Agricultural Insecticide Sprayer, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, VOLUME 7, ISSUE 5, MAY 2024
  • Sharon Markus et al, “Design and Fabrication of Footstep Power Generator”, Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits, 2018: 8(1): 17-20p.
  • Kushal Gowda Y N et.al., “Design and Fabrication of Corn Deseeding Machine” IJRARvol 7, Issue 6, june 2018.
  • Ganesh pawar R , et al., “Design and comuputational flow analysis on savonious wind turbine”., IJIERT ., vol.3., Issue 6., June 2016.

Papers Presented by Students:

  • Mr. Manjunath M N presented a paper on “IoT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System using Drone” at ICRTST-2020.
  • Mr. Shuaib Khan presented a paper on “Low Cost IoT Based EV Charging Station with Power Bank Vending Mechanism” at ICRTST-2020.
  • Mr. Mayur Krishna has presented a paper on “Automated Scum Removal Machine in Jaggery Production” at ICRTST-2020.
  • Ms. Monika rani., Nisha C M., and Harshitha V have presented a paper at Automotive Technology Fair 2018.
  • Mr Sushanth S J, Mr. Praful M Dev, Mr.Swagath S and Mr. Pavan Kumar H A, “Study of Mechanical and Wear Properties of Hybrid Composite Materials with Nano Fillers for Elevated Temperature Applications”, ICASET-2018 SSCE, Bengaluru, May 2018
  • M B Karthik Aiyappa et al, “Cognitive Ergonomics-Visual Ergonomics for Computer Workstation”, PRATIBIMB 2018 NIE Mysore, April 2018.
  • Sanju Joel et al, “Hyperloop”, PRATIBIMB 2018 NIE Mysore, April 2018.
  • Mr. Syed Kashif, Mr. Sayed Madani,  Mr.Siftain Khan, Mr.Md. Umar sheriff,l “Computer numerically controlled multi operational machine” in ETME- International Conference 2017.
  • Pavan V of 4th year ME secured Silver medal (Up to 75kg Category) in Mysore City Intercollegiate Best Physique Competition held at NIE, Mysuru.
  • Abhijith of 3rd year ME secured Gold medal (79kg Category) in 20th VTU Intercollegiate Wrestling Competition held at SJCIT, Chikballapura.
  • Abhishek K of 4th year ME has won Bronze medals (86kg Category) in 20th VTU Intercollegiate Wrestling Competition held at SJCIT, Chikballapura.
  • Rajashekar M of 4th year ME won Bronze medal (Up to 67kg Category) in 2nd Mysuru Region Intercollegiate Engineering college sports meet (ICESM) Weight Lifting Competition organized by JSS S&TU, Mysuru.
  • Pavan V of 4th year ME clinched the Title Mr.ICESM in 2nd Mysuru Region Intercollegiate Engineering college sports meet Best Physique Competition organized by JSS S&TU, Mysuru.
  • Pavan V of 4th year ME secured Gold medal (Up to 80kg Category) in ICESM Inter Collegiate Best Physique Championship 2019-20 organized by JSS S&TU, Mysuru.
  • Abhishek K of 4th year ME won Silver medal (Up to 85kg Category) in ICESM Inter Collegiate Best Physique Championship 2019-20 organized by JSS S&TU, Mysuru.
  • Jayasurya R of 4th year M E has won the Bronze Medal (Up to 60kg Category) in Mysore City Intercollegiate Best Physique Competition held at Sports Pavilion, Mysuru.
  • Soft Ball Men Team secured 1st place in Mysore City Inter Collegiate Soft Ball Tournament organized by University of Mysore. (Hat-Trick Victory)
  • Soft Ball Men Team secured 1st place in VTU Inter Collegiate Soft Ball Tournament organized by DBIT, B’lore. (Hat-Trick Victory)
  • Soft Ball Men Team secured 4th place in VTU Soft Ball (Inter Zone) Inter Collegiate Tournament held at DBIT, B’lore.
  • Cricket team secured 2nd place in VTU Inter collegiate Mysuru Zone Cricket Tournament organized by SJCE, Mysuru.

University Representation

Sl  No Name of the Student Year / Branch Game Remarks
01 Abhijith S 3rd yr., ME Wrestling First Time
  • Pavan V of 3rd year ME has won the Gold Medal (Up to 75kg Category) in Mysore City Intercollegiate Best Physique Competition held at Sports Pavilion, Mysuru.
  • Abhijith of 2nd year ME Dept.  Has won Bronze medals (74kg Category) in 19th VTU Intercollegiate Wrestling Competition held at Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bengaluru.

University Representation

Sl  No Name of the Student Year /Branch Game Remarks
01 Vedith Uthaiah K T 4th yr., ME Baseball First Time

University Representation

Sl  No Name of the Student Game
01 Vedith Uthaiah K T Softball
02 Akshay S Cricket and Softball
03 Praful M Dev Cricket and Handball

Awards: –Akshay S of Mechanical Department has been received cash award of 2500/- for representing VTU Softball Team for 2 times.

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