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Principal Message

It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to ATME College of Engineering. It is not enough if we produce engineers year after year, like a machine. The challenge lies in moulding the students with an engineering degree who are capable of building the future nation. ATME gives more emphasis to the overall moulding of every student through quality education and In-plant training, right from the initial stage of education. ATME aims at producing the Best Engineers in the world. The pleasing and peaceful environment in which the college is located, favors the students in focusing more on their studies. Well equipped laboratories and work shop with most modern and sophisticated instruments/machineries are provided to impart state-of-the art education to the students. Ample opportunities are being provided to the students in Personality Development and other extra-curricular activities. Well qualified and experienced teaching faculty is provided to impart quality education to the students. Invited talks by external experts in various fields of Engineering and Management are being organized on a regular basis for the students to enlarge their horizon of knowledge.

The college functions under the able and untiring guidance and leadership of Mr. Arunkumar L, Hon’ble Chairman of the Trust, who is actively supported by the Governing Council and the Board of Directors, by offering necessary guidance and advice from time to time in developing the Institute to meet the preset mission and vision. A training and placement cell is in place to facilitate the students in seeking job opportunities. With all these facilities in place and with the right attitude of the Management, I assure, the students who continue education in this growing Institute would greatly benefit in the future.

ATME has ambitious future plans which include, starting a Business School with state-of-art technology, PG Courses in different branches of Engineering, establishing a Research Centre and so on. Development of the people from the rural area in particular has been taken as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility. I look forward to a bright future to everyone who is associated with the growth of ATME.

Dr.Basavaraj L
Principal, ATME

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