ip stresser

Co-curricular & Extracurricular Activities

ATME Science Fiesta-2k19

Basic sciences and Humanities department in association with “Innovation club” gave proposal to conduct “ATME SCIENCE FIESTA-2K19” organized by 1st year BE students on 20-12-2019. The objective of the program is to bring the PU College science students to our college and attract towards engineering education. The events are decided by taking suggestions from faculties, HoD’s, Principal and Management. Based on the suggestions 6 events are finalized. They are (1) Science Quiz (2) Technical Project (3) Pencil sketch (4) Spot Photography (5) Essay Writing (6) Poster Presentation. The participating students are rewarded with cash prize and certificate. Also, it is decided to celebrate “Open Day” for the visitors.

Around 700 students from various PU colleges from Mysore, Mandya, Chamarajnagar and Kodagu district participated and made the event successful.

Industry Visit: Sewage Treatment plant, Mysuru.


  • Students obtained practical knowledge of different stages in treatment of the sewage for disposal.
  • Students were able to understand the design of sewage treatment.
  • Stage by stage procedure of treatment of sewage water and its reuse was explained to the students.

Industry Visit: Mysore Milk Union Limited (MYMUL)


  • During the visit, the students were made aware of the stages of milk processing at the plant. They were given information regarding the quality parameters which they follow while processing milk.
  • Students were briefed about the primitive and newer modes of milk collection and distribution.
  • The visit provided experiential learning to the students and helped them understand the process involved in the making of milk  products which is totally automated and is internationally designed keeping in mind the hygiene standards.
  • Students were taken for a tour of the entire plant where they were shown the process of testing, processing, storage and transportation facilities of MYMUL.
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