Mr Ramachandra M N
Education Details
- MSc Physics
- MPhil
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Professional Experience
- Working as Assistant professor from 2/9/2010 till date.
- Lecturer for four year.
Publication Details
- “Measurement of Radon soil gas in and around Bharathinagara, Mandya District” T S Shashikumar, S Revanna, M N Ramachandra, G V Ashok, C Ningappa, Shivalinge Gowda. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume 187, Issue 1, December 2019, Pages 83–87
- “Low friction stability and low wear of some self-lubricating engineered polymer composites under heavy loading conditions” Ramachandra M N, Mahesh Lohith K S, Nandan P, Chandrakala N C, Conference: Recent Trends in Geo Science, Material Science and Civil Engineering, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, India Volume: 23-24 March 2017
Roles and Responsibility
- Member of various college level committees..
- Course coordinator
- Induction program
- Mentor
- Three Days Faculty Development Program for Student Induction Program from 18th to 20th June 2018 at Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management , Mangaluru
- Seven Days Faculty Development Program for Student Induction Program from 16th to 22nd July 2018 at Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management , Mangaluru
Science Fiesta
- Faculty coordinator for ATME Science Fiesta – 2K19, in association with Incubation Club, ATMECE, on 20th December 2019
- Five days online workshop on Advanced Techniques for material characterization (ATMC-2020) 6th to 10th of July 2020,Malavia National Institute of Technology, Jaipur.
- One day workshop on New model curriculum for First year BE/B,Tech- CBCS Detailed syllabus (2018-19) On 19th May 2018.
- A Technical talk, was organized in the college on 20-02-2014 by the Department of Basic Science on the Topic ‘Basics and Applications in the Field of Nanotechnology’
- One day national workshop on “Material Science & Nano Technology” was jointly organized by Dept of Chemistry, VidyaVikas Institute of Engineering & Technology with KSTA, on 29-08-2015.
- One day national workshop on “Interfacing Innovation & IPR for Diffusion of Technology. Organized by NRDC in collaboration with Basic Sciences & Humanities Dept, ATMECE, on 19th January 2015
Professional body membership
- Life member ISTE Chapter
@ University Level
FDP/Conferences/Workshops attended/Conducted
@ National Level
Ph D Guidance
Research Area of Interest