Mr. Raghavendra R
Education Details
- M.Sc. Physics
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Professional Experience
- Asst Professor, Dept of Physics , ATME College of Engineering. Current
- Senior Lecturer, Dept of Physics, BGS PU college Pandavapura, 4 years
Roles and Responsibility
- Website Coordinator.
- CERP coordinator.
- Hostel committee member.
- ATMEYA Coordinator.
- Admission committee member.
Professional body membership
- NANI NAEST group
- Certification courses on ecology (Usha charitable trust) and attended rescue camp in Daroji wildlife sanctuary.
- Sahayog – job skills training programme(HR)
- NCC – C certificate, attended 4 National level Camps, Gold medal in firing.
Publication Details
- Conference publication in ICRTST-2022 “An Account of the influence of TMDCs for anodic materials of Li/Na-ion Battery capacity. – Raghavendra Ravikumar, Mahesh Lohith K S.
- One day National Seminar on Chemistry and Chemical Biology – University of Mysuru, Manasagangotri Mysuru – 26th May 2015.
- One week Faculty Development programme by TEQIP – Phase II on Recent trends in Micro and Nano Fluidics – PES college of Engineering, Mandya – 2nd to 7th November 2015.
- One day workshop on X-Ray crystallography – University of Mysuru, Manasagangotri Mysuru – 10th November 2014.
- National webinar on Theurapetic plants & Covid-19 – Tata college Chaibasa, Jharkhand – June 2020
- Webinar on Opportunity of Higher Education and Job for B.Sc Physics Students – Department of Physics and IQAC – Raje Ramrao Mahavidyalaya ,Jath – May 2020
Research Area of Interest
- Nuclear Science
- Battery technology