ip stresser

Library Services


Category of Users No. of Books Period of Loan
Students Under Graduate (BE) 03 15 days
SC-ST Students 04 15 days
Teaching Faculty 08 One Month
Non-Teaching Staff 03 15 days
Research Scholar 05 One Month
  • The Book must be returned on or before the due date. After the due date Rs. 1 / day will be charged. 
  • Borrowers are to produce their ID card when borrowing resource materials.
  • ID cards are not transferable. Use of an ID card is restricted to the user to whom the card is issued.
  • Members must satisfy themselves about the physical conditions of the library material being issued. They shall be held responsible for any damage/mutilation noticed at the time of return.


Lending books will be issued to the students for defined days. Books so lent shall be returned on due date.

[Lending books are available in Ground Flour Stack Area]


Reference books will not be issued to the users.

[Reference books are available in First Flour Reading Section Area]

Digital Library:

Library provides the internet connected computer systems to access the E-Databases, E- Journals, E-Books, other subscribed e- resources and internet browsing for users.

Institutional Repository: 

ATMECE Library established the ‘Institutional Repository’ which has e-books, Question Papers and faculty publications, and Project reports to access remotely.

E-Resource Subscription Access: 

ATMECE is member of VTU Consortium, through the consortium library provides the access to subscribed

  • E-Content(e-journals/e-books/Etc.) and
  • Technology Platforms (Plagiarism / Grammar / Remote Access Tools/Etc.)


CD/DVDs including Project reports and Textbooks and other resourceful service is available for users.

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue):

OPAC (library catalogue) allows the users to search the library books. The library catalogue is searched by author, title, and keyword.

Question Papers:

The library facilitates to access the previous year’s exam question paper in electronic format available in our Institutional Repository for reference purpose.


  1. E-Journals
  2. Print-Journals
  3. Magazines/Newspapers

Reprographic services

Newspaper services

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