ip stresser


NAIN is a scheme from Dept. of IT, BT and S & T (Govt. of Karnataka) to promote innovation in Educational Institutions and support them to be Entrepreneurs. The main objective is to encourage students with innovative ideas bearing impact on Industry/Society and nurture them by providing a conducive Eco-system to become successful Entrepreneurs.

ATME has established the NAIN center in Admin block 3rd floor. Center will provide an Ecosystem to work with amicable team and execute the ideas fluently. Basic infrastructural support such as lab space, computer access and high speed internet access will be provided. It also facilitate in networking with Industries for advises. Center will have Advisory committee for overseeing the operations of Incubation Centre and Project Monitoring and Assessment Group (PMAG) for evaluation and mentoring which is chaired by Principal and members constituting of Senior Professors, Industrial people, Entrepreneurs and Expertise in field. To foster required skills and to keep students motivated Ideathons, Hackathons and Entrepreneurship boot camps will be conducted on a regular basis.

  • Seed funding up to maximum 3 lakhs per team will be facilitated through Dept. of IT, BT and S & T, Govt. of Karnataka.
  • Infrastructural facilities such as lab space, computers and high speed internet.
  • Mentoring facility from technology experts.
  • Networking with Industrial experts, mentors and advisors.
  • Entrepreneurship boot camps to foster required skills and keep motivated.
  • Idea Generation
    • Team shall identify Regional and Local problems (unmet needs).
    • Members of team can be UG students, PG students, Research scholars or Alumni.
  • Proposal and Approval
    • After the identification of the problem, convert ideas to project proposals along with costing and other details.
    • Submitted proposals will be reviewed by PMAG. 15 potential projects will be selected and submitted to steering committee (Govt. of Karnataka).
    • Project proposals are reviewed by steering committee and funding will be sanctioned for a maximum of 10 projects after the approval from the committee.
  • Execution
    • Each team will be assigned a mentor to help and monitor the progress.
    • The institute will facilitate/train the project team to execute project.
    • Project Monitoring and Assessment group will help in continual evaluation of a project in relation to the agreed schedule. Provide continual feedback as well assist in the identification of constraints and methods of overcoming those constraints.
    • Steering committee will review the progress on a quarterly basis.

Seed Funding

  • Up to maximum 3 lakhs per team, depending on the nature of project.


  • With Industrial experts, mentors and advisors.


  • To facilitate Knowledge creation, execution and evaluation of the project.


Dr.Srinivasa K
College Coordinator
Email: deanstudentaffairs@atme.edu.in
Mobile: 9945045415

Rajeev Gowda R
District Innovation Associate
Email: rajeevgowda94@gmail.com
Mobile: 9739955854

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