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ATME College of Engineering is listed as one of the nodal centre to conduct online courses offered by IIRS-ISRO Dehradun.

Adding yet another feather to its cap, ATME College of Engineering is listed as one of the nodal centre to conduct online courses offered by IIRS-ISRO Dehradun on 1st July 2020. Being a nodal centre, ATME CE will facilitate Students, Faculties, Research Scholars and Engineering Professionals to attend live courses/sessions delivered by experts from IIRS. The participating candidates would be attending live sessions, and live interactions with IIRS-ISRO experts through distance mode using webcasting.

The use of Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System, Global Navigation Satellite System and associated geospatial technologies is increasing rapidly, creating an urgent demand for trained manpower. The live and interactive mode of distance learning is enabled through Internet and A-view software platform developed by Amrita e-learning Lab in collaboration with Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Government of India. The programs are available through Internet without any cost to the user. The live and interactive sessions will be conducted by experts from IISR-ISRO and other knowledge Institutions. IIRS has successfully conducted 22 such courses so far with participation of over 120258+ participants from 1048+ academic institutions, government departments and industry. The beneficiaries of the programme may include:

  • Central/State/Private Universities & Academic Institutions;
  • Central & State Government Organizations/Departments;
  • Research Institutes;
  • Geospatial Industry;
  • NGOs

IIRS also conducts various theme oriented online courses and monthly webinars on recent topics on geospatial technologies and its applications. Users are encouraged to actively participate on these programs.

IIRS official website- www.iirs.gov.in

Reception of the Program:

Live & Interactive programme can be received in two ways:

A-View: A-VIEW is an advanced multi-modal, multi-platform, collaborative e-learning solution which allows an instructor to teach or interact with a large number of learners transcending geographies on a real-time basis through live audio video streaming and synchronized content sharing. A-VIEW allows the instructor to perform live evaluation of the learners and to get real-time feedback from attendees on the go. A-VIEW can also act as an online meeting tool that can support online social collaboration and interactions with multiple users from various locations simultaneously. (http://aview.in/)

Webcasting: Webcasting is the process of video broadcasting live over the internet.

Guidelines to Join Online Course through IIRS-ISRO E-CLASS Platform

Following guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures are issued for live & interactive courses under IIRS Outreach programme.

Step 1:

Register for the course through- https://elearning.iirs.gov.in/edusatregistration/student.

Please provide your details very carefully specially your email ID and mobile number. Select Institution name as ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru (Electronics and Communication)

You will receive one registration number on successful submission of your application as web page display and email message.

Step 2:

Activate your account by clicking on given link in your email. Once account is activated and email is verified, your application will be available for selection process to Institute/Course coordinator/Director.

Step 3:

The course coordinator/Director will review your application and verify the submitted documents and approve or reject your application.

Step 4:

All the approved participants will receive an approval email with their login credentials of IIRS E-CLASS platform (https://eclass.iirs.gov.in) and Examination Portal (https://elearning.iirs.gov.in). Single user name and password will work for both the portals.

  • Case 1: If login credentials are received with approval email, please visit: https://eclass.iirs.gov.in
  • Case 2: If you have not received any approval email then please check status of your application at: https://elearning.iirs.gov.in/edusatregistration/studentstatus
  • and if your status is “Approved” then reset your password by clicking on link provided in above web page or through URL- https://elearning.iirs.gov.in/mdl/login/forgot_password.php
  • Case 3: If you have already participated in any earlier online course of IIRS- ISRO then your old login credentials will be valid for this course also. No new login credentials will be provided. However you can reset your password by clicking on “Forgot Password?” available in E-CLASS portal.
  • Case 4:
    EmbedPress: Please enter your YouTube API key at EmbedPress > Platforms > YouTube to embed YouTube Channel.

Step 5:

All the approved participants has to login at IIRS E-CLASS platform- https://eclass.iirs.gov.in with his/her credentials during live sessions. For course schedule and contents please visit- https://www.iirs.gov.in/EDUSAT-News. The daily course schedule will be available in E-CLASS also.

Step 6: Course Delivery

  1. Procedure of Attendance Recording:


  • The E-CLASS platform will automatically record the attendance of a participant based on his/her login during the session and presence during the session.
  • Typically, the attendance is marked as present after 50% duration of total session time. For example, if total duration of a session is 60 minutes then the attendance will be marked as “Present” after 30 minutes of active login.
  • If due to some technical problem or other reason participant is unable to continue the session then he/she has to watch the same session through ”Offline” mode available under E-CLASS login. The time for offline session will be recorded/updated accordingly.
  • The coordinators of networked Institutions are also allowed to upload the attendance of an individual participant through their E-CLASS CMS login. If by any reason attendance of a participant is not being recorded/updated in E- CLASS then he/she can ask his/her Coordinator to upload their attendance for particular course.
  1. Study Materials:
  • All the study material such as presentation contents, suggested links and recorded video sessions will be available under E-CLASS login.
  • Interactive e-learning/MOOC contents will be available under IIRS e-learning portal- https://elearning.iirs.gov.in where participant has to login by using same login credentials of E-CLASS. Note: Please click on “Participant Login” button before proceeding further in e-learning portal.
  1. Status of Attendance:
  • Status of course-wise attendance will be available under E-CLASS login with eligibility for examination.
  1. Feedback of the course:
  • All the participants have to submit feedback of individual course through E- CLASS. After successful login to E-CLASS the feedback link will be available for each course.
  1. Online Examination:
  • All the participants who are meeting the minimum attendance criteria will be allowed for online examination. The examination will be conducted through: https://elearning.iirs.gov.in. The date and time of examination will be intimated within 2 weeks of course completion.
  • The Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and True/False statement based questions will be asked during online examination.
  • The random questions will be displayed to the participant from available question bank in IIRS E-CALSS platform.
  • The minimum passing score will be announced for each course separately. All the successful participants in examination will be eligible for course certificate.
  1. Issue of Certificate:
  • The certificate will be issued within 2 to 3 weeks of online examination. The certificate will be available through coordinator of networked Institution (if applicable).
  • The certificate will also be available under E-CLASS login of each participant.
  1. Certificate Validation:
  • All the certificate of IIRS-ISRO online courses can be validated through direct scanning of QR code available certificate or through https://certificate.iirs.gov.in

For registration details contact: Guruprasad K N, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication, ATMECE, Mysore.

Programs coordinated by the nodal center of ATME College of Engineering

 Sl. No Program Topic Date Duration Schedule Participants Status
1 66th IIRS Outreach Program Global Navigation Satellite System September 14th to

September 25th


2 Weeks  


82 Completed
2 67th IIRS Outreach Program Understanding of coastal ocean processes using remote sensing and Numerical Modelling September 21st to

September 25th


1 Week  


78 Completed
3 68th IIRS Outreach Program Geographical

Information System

September 28th  to

October 23rd


4 Weeks  


64 Completed
4 72nd IIRS Outreach Program Basics of

Geocomputation and Geoweb Services

October 19th to

October 29th 2020

2 Weeks  


16 Completed
5 69th IIRS Outreach Program RS & GIS Applications November 2nd to

November 20th, 2020

3 Weeks  


36 Completed
6 70th IIRS Outreach Program Remote Sensing of Land Degradation December 1st  to

December 7th 2020

1 Week  


50 Completed
7 71st IIRS Outreach Program SAR-Polarimetry & Interferometry December 14th   to

December 18th  2020

1 Week  


69 Completed
Sl. no Program Name No. of students registered to the course No. of students successfully received the certificate Certificates
Institution Certificate Coordinator Certificate
1 66th IIRS Outreach Program on Global Navigation Satellite System 82 61  




2 67th IIRS Outreach Program on Understanding of coastal ocean processes using remote sensing and numerical modelling 78 78  




3 68th IIRS Outreach Program on Geographical Information System 64 64  




4 72nd IIRS Outreach Program on Basics of Geocomputation and Geoweb Services 16 16  




5 69th IIRS Outreach Program RS and GS Applications 36 36  




6 70th IIRS Outreach Program on Remote Sensing of Land Degradation 50 50  




7 71st IIRS Outreach Program on SAR-Polarimetry & Interferometry 69 22 71_institution.pdf 71_coordinator.pdf

Mr. Guruprasad K N

Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE

IIRS-ISRO Outreach Program Coordinator

Email: guruprasadkn_ec@atme.edu.in

Contact: 9739319567


Mrs. Ambika V

Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE – Data Science

IIRS-ISRO Outreach Program Coordinator

Email: ambikav.cd@atme.edu.in

Contact: 6361592908


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