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What we do:

The IEEE Student Branch at ATME College of Engineering is a part of the global IEEE organization, dedicated to fostering technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. This student branch aims to provide a platform for students at ATME to develop their professional and technical skills, collaborate on projects, and network with industry professionals.

  • Establishment and Vision: The IEEE Student Branch at ATME College of Engineering was established to encourage students to engage in the broader engineering community. It seeks to inspire students to excel in technical expertise, research, and innovation by providing access to IEEE resources, conferences, and publications.
  • Activities and Programs: Workshops and Seminars: Regularly organizes workshops and seminars on cutting-edge technologies, helping students stay updated with the latest trends in engineering.
  • Technical Events: Hosts technical competitions, hackathons, and project showcases that encourage students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. Professional Development: Conducts sessions on soft skills, resume building, and interview preparation to enhance students’ employability.
  • Collaborations: Collaborates with other IEEE student branches, industry experts, and faculty members for various events and projects. Membership Benefits:
  • Networking Opportunities: Provides access to a global network of IEEE members, which can lead to collaborations, internships, and job opportunities.
  • Access to IEEE Resources: Members get access to IEEE Xplore, a digital library with a vast collection of journals, conferences, and standards.
  • Leadership Development: Offers students opportunities to take up leadership roles within the branch, helping them develop management and organizational skills.
  • Impact and Achievements: The branch has a history of successful events that have contributed to the technical and professional growth of its members. It has also participated in national and international IEEE conferences, representing ATME on a larger platform.
  • Future Goals: The branch aims to expand its reach by increasing membership and enhancing the quality of its events. Plans to collaborate more with industry professionals to bridge the gap between academia and industry requirements. The IEEE Student Branch ATME STB35744 is committed to empowering students at ATME College of Engineering by providing them with the resources, skills, and networks needed to succeed in their engineering career.

Awards received

Mission 2020 IEEE Bangalore Section Award

  • Best Branch Counselor – Parthasarathy L Professor & Head, Dept. of EEE
  • Best Researcher – Basavaraj L, Principal

Executive Committee


Dr Vinod Kumar P
Associate Professor , CSE-DS
IEEE Student Branch Counsellor


Janya U Singh
IEEE Student Branch Chair


Sanjan B M
IEEE Student Branch Vice-Chair


IEEE Student Branch Secretary


Navyashree B R
IEEE Student Branch Joint Secretary


Kushal S M
IEEE Student Branch Web Master


Gagan Kirthi
IEEE Student Branch Treasurer

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