ip stresser

Dr. Hussana Johar R B

Assistant Professor

Education Details

  • Ph.D Electrical and Electronics Engineering Sciences, VTU, Belagavi
  • M.Tech Information & Communication Systems, MCE, Hassan, VTU.
  • B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering, NIE, Mysore, VTU.

Contact Details

Email ID hussanajoharrb_cs@atme.edu.in
LinkedIn ID https://www.linkedin.com/in/husna-zohara-986a1148/
Google Scholor  ID https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=03lqnccAAAAJ&hl=en
Orcid ID https://orchid.org/0000-0002-7304-0922
Vidwaan ID https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/322343
Scopus ID  

Professional Experience

  • Teaching Experience + Research Experience – 10 years
  • Assistant Professor, A T M E College of Engineering, Mysuru,  December  2022 – Till Date.
  • Assistant Professor, GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru, Feb 2012 – Dec 2015
  • Assistant Professor, Canara Engineering College, Mangalore,  March  2011 –  Jan 2012.

Area of Interest: Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless body area networks, 5G Communication Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep learning.

Fund Granted :Worked  as Project Guide for the VGST TRIP-2013-14 sanctioned project grant of Rs. 40,000 for “Sign Language Translation into Voice Message” at GSSSIETW, Mysore.

Publication Details

International Journals:

  1. Hussana Johar R.B , Dr B R Sujatha, “OFDM-MIMO Channel Estimation for Rayleigh and Rician Channel Models” RVS Technical Campus held on 29th-30th, August 2019, International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT 2019), Lecture notes in Networks and Systems-Springer Journal, 29th-30th , August 2019, Pp.414-422,
  2. Hussana Johar R.B , Dr B R Sujatha, “An Enhanced Energy Efficient Management in OFDM-Massive MIMO for Cognitive Wireless Body Area Network (C-WBAN)”, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry(TOJQI), Volume 12,Issue 3,July 2021,e-ISSN 1309-6591,Pp.1-19.(Scopus indexed Journal)
  3. Hussana Johar R.B , Dr B R Sujatha, “Deep Learning Algorithm for Optimal Hybrid Precoder for mmWave Massive-MIMO in WBAN”, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking(IJFGCN), Volume 14,Issue 1,August 2021,e-ISSN 2233-7857,Pp.3307-3320,Indexed in Emerging Sources citation (WEB OF SCIENCE) Journal,Clavirate Analytics.
  4. Hussana Johar R.B , Dr B R Sujatha, “Deep Learning based Channel Estimation in Beaulieu-Xie(BX) fading MIMO-OFDM System for Wireless Body Area Networks”, SN Computer Science, Springer Journal, Volume 3,Issue 2, March 2022,(Submitted).
  5. Hussana Johar R.B , Dr B R Sujatha, ” MACHINE LEARNING BASED FADING CHANNEL PREDICTION FOR WBAN USING ESP8266 CONTROLLER”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Springer Journal), Volume 47,Issue 3, May 2022,(Submitted).
  6. Hussana Johar R.B , “Arrhythmia Abnormal Detection and Classification in wireless Body Area Networks Using Deep Learning”, Computer Science Review(Elsevier Journal), Volume 48, May 2023,(Submitted).
  7. Hussana Johar R.B , Dr B R Sujatha, “Secure data collection in WSN using Randomizes Dispersive Routes,” in IJDWM technical journal , May,2012
  8. Hussana Johar R.B , Dr B R Sujatha, “Wireless monitoring for Industrial Automation using Speech Recognition,” in IJEIT technical journal , May,2014
  9. Hussana Johar R.B , Dr B R Sujatha, “Multiple Sign Language Translation into Voice Message,” in IJEIT technical journal, May, 2014.

International Conferences:

  1. Hussana Johar R.B , Dr B R Sujatha, “Channel Estimation on MIMO OFDM system”, MCE, Hassan held on 28th and 29th Nov 2015, International Conference on Intelligent and Autonomous Systems(ICIAS2015), 28th – 29th, Nov 2015.Pp.167-171.
  2. Hussana Johar R.B , Dr B R Sujatha, “FPGA Implementation of OFDM for wireless sensor networks”, SJBIT, Bangalore held on 21st to 23rd July 2016, International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology(ICATCCT2016), 21st-23rd , July 2016, Pp.565-569.(Scopus indexed)
  3. “Modified Dynamic Evaluation Model for threshold Crytography in MANETS”, national level conference, RRCE,Bangalore Febraury,2012.
  4. “Ant colony optimization algorithm for self healing ring design in an optical networks” national level conference, CEC, Mangalore April , 2013
  5. “GSM Based CAN Interface to ARM for Humidity Remote Monitoring and Temperature for Industrial Applications” national level conference, CEC, Mangalore April , 2013
  6. “Optimizing the localization of a wireless sensor network using particle swarm optimization” national level conference, CEC, Mangalore April , 2013
  7. “Bionic contact lense” national level conference, MVJCE, Bangalore April , 2013.
  8. “Graphical location identification using Atom palm computer in defence” national level conference, PIT, Hospet April, 2013.
  9. “Peripheral interfacing in atom palm computers” national level conference, BIT, Bellary May, 2013.
  10. “ Review on Reliable Routing for Wireless Sensor networks” national level conference, GMIT, Bharathinagara April, 2015.
  11. “ Group based authentication in Wireless Sensor networks” national level conference, BGSIT, B G nagara May, 2015.
  12. “ Heuristic based energy efficient routing protocol for Wireless Sensor networks” national level conference, BGSIT, B G nagara May, 2015.

FDP/Seminars/Workshops attended:

  1. Five Days FDP on “Data Science with Python,” held at SIET, Mangalore on 30th Jan – 3rd Feb 2023.
  2. Five Days FDP on “Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Image Analysis,” held at CMRIT, Bangalore on 13th Feb – 17th Feb 2023.
  3. Five Days FDP on “5G/6G Technologies for Wireless systems” held at ATMECE, Mysore on 27th March – 31st March 2023.
  4. Attended AICTE-ATAL Sponsored FDP on “Smart cities” from 18th Jan- 22nd Jan 2022.
  5. Attend workshops usage of ML and DL for 5G Networks.
  6. One Week Workshop on “AI & ML “from 1st to 7th February 2022.
  7. One Week training on “deep learning using Medical data” from 15th to 17th March 2022.
  8. One Week Hands on FDP on “Artificial Intelligence using Python” conducted by Brain Vision Pvt Ltd and National Council of India from 14th September -19th September 2020.
  9. One week short term training (STTP) Course on “mmwave MIMO and Filter Bank Multi-Carrier Technologies for 5G Networks”, organized by prof. Aditya K.Jagannatham, EE Department, IIT Kanpur in association with Dept. of E & C, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, from July 25th to 28th, 2018.
  10. Two Days Workshop on “Advances in Wireless Communication Networks & Simulation with Hands on Training,” held at MITE, Mangalore on 27th -28th August 2016.
  11. One day Faculty Development Program on “Antenna Design &Analysis using ESIC and CEM Solutions Tool”, by TJIT, Bangalore. On 15th September 2015.
  12. Two Days Faculty Development Program in association with VTU,Belgaum on “Antenna Design & Simulation Using EM Simulation Tool,FEKO” from 29/09/2014-30/09/2014 conducted in DSCE, Bangalore.
  13. One Week VTU-VGST Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advances in Medical Imaging Techniques” from 26th to 30th March 2012 conducted in GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore.
  14. Two Days Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advances in Communication systems” from 22/05/2011-24/05/2011 conducted in SIT, Valanchil, Mangalore.  One Day Seminar on ” MATLAB for Data Processing & Application Development” held at MathWorks , Bangalore on 10th Jan 2013.
  15. One Day Workshop on “Network Simulator-2,” held at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women on 26th April 2014.

Roles and Responsibility

  • EMS Coordinator
  • Dept. NBA Coordinator
  • Reviewer
  • Student Mentor

Professional body membership

  • Life Member ISTE – LM 116842

