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Green Campus

ATME campus is designed eco-friendly and landscaped with extensive gardens, Plantation with recycled water. The entire campus is maintained as non-smoking zone. The significant initiatives implemented are:

  • 90% LED and 10% CFL Lamp bulbs provided within the campuses. In a phased manner all CFL lights will be replaced by LED.
  • Staggering of electric power loads to reduce maximum demands.
  • All the Fans, Lights and Air conditioners are maintained in the switched off mode when not in use. The slogans insisting the necessity to switch off the Fans, Lights & ACs displayed above to all the switch boards in the campus.

100 kW solar power plants has been setup on the top of the Administrative block building. To that extent EB consumption has been reduced and hence non-renewable energy consumption to generate 100 kW is reduced and also CO2, SO2, SPM emissions reduction have been achieved. The output of the plant is converted to AC using 3 string inverters. The inverters have a MPPT controller and the inverters itself have the mechanism to synchronizes the generated power to the local grid. It is estimated that it will generates around 430 Units per day.

Moreover, many solar energy related student projects have been undertaken in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering programmes.

Recharging of ground water and rain water collection and utilization are implemented in the College. Rain Water Harvesting System is installed to collect rain water from roof top of the buildings and allow it to flow into sump of one lakh liter capacity behind Electrical Engineering Block. Efficient filter system has been installed and this water is pumped to overhead tank and reused. Rain water from the roof top of Administrative building is taken to scientifically planned series of ground water recharging pits to augment the ground water level.

The solid waste is segregated by providing separate dustbins for bio-degradable and plastic waste. Metal waste from the workshop are stored and given to authorized scrap agents for further processing.

All the septic tank waste water collected to the Sewage Treatment Plant with the processing capacity of 1,00,000 litre per day and storage capacity of 1,00,000 litre, aeration tank, settling tank, clarifier with 3,00,000 litre capacity, filtered water used for gardening.

E-waste or Electronic waste describes discarded electrical or electronic devices. E-waste typically includes discarded computer monitors, motherboards, Cathode Ray tubes (CRT), Printed Circuit Board (PCB), mobile phones and chargers, compact discs, headphones, white goods such as Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD)/ Plasma televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators and so on. Following are some of the measures adopted in college with regard to E-waste management.

  • Re-evaluate. Try to avoid an extra gadget with finding one device with multiple functions.
  • Extend the life of your electronics. Keeping the device well maintained will extend the life thereby avoiding procurement of new one.
  • Buy environmentally friendly electronics. Look for products labelled Energy Efficient labelled by Bureau of Energy Efficient.
  • Donate used electronics to social programs—outdated and obsolete computer or any other electronic gadget are donated to social programs.
  • E- Bins: To manage e-waste, e-bin is installed which will be collected by KSPCB authorized e-waste recycler or e-waste disposer.

Campus cleaning day is followed periodically with about 1800 students participating as part of awareness creation both within the campus and nearby villages.Campus cleaning day is followed periodically with about 1800 students participating as part of awareness creation both within the campus and nearby villages.

The entire campus is maintained as non-smoking zone

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