ip stresser

Funded Projects

Karnataka Innovation Technology Society (KITS)

K-Tech New Age Innovation Network(NAIN)

Sanctioned Year 2022
Funding Agency Karnataka Innovation Technology Society (KITS)
Duration of the project 3 years
Sanctioned Amount Up to Rs. 2 Crores
Objective of the Project Under the New Age Innovation Network

  • Students are encouraged to identify local problems and address those using concepts of frugal innovation, and to develop appropriate technology-based solutions and working prototypes. Its is also expected that the mentors assigned to the students help them to formulate a business model based on this new technology and encourage them to think like entrepreneurs.
  • The NAIN incubators would be networked and connected to a common portal to facilitate exchange of thoughts, ideas and collaboration across institutions and disciplines. Selected institutions would be graded on the basis of key Performance indicators defined in this document and / or as decided by NAIN Steering Committee from time to time
  • Financial assistance for running the incubators and for student projects will be initially provided for three years which may be extended for another two-year based on the criteria as defined in this document and as amended from to time.
Principal Investigator (PI) Dr. Basavaraj L


ATMECE, Mysuru.

College Coordinator (CC) Dr. Yathisha L

Associate Professor and Dean (Student Affairs)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

ATMECE, Mysuru

District Innovation Associate (DIA) Mr. Rajeev Gowda R



Department of Science & Technology (DST)

Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB)
Sanctioned Year 2023
Funding Agency

Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB)

Duration of the project

3 Days

Sanctioned Amount

Rs. 50,000/-

Objective of the Project

Title of the Project: Three Day National Level Symposium on “Application of Image Processing Technique in the fields of Electronic Communication & Civil Engineering”. Objective of the Project: Symposium aims to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and professionals from the industry, academia and government to discourse on research and development, professional practice in Image Processing related to Civil & Electronics Engineering fields.


Mr. Puneeth K Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering ATMECE, Mysuru


Mr. Srivathsa H U Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering ATMECE, Mysuru

Mrs. Juslin F Assistant Professor Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering ATMECE, Mysuru

Event Report

Sci-Fest-Science fiesta for School children from 7th to 12th Standard

Sanctioned Year 2021 
Funding Agency DST-NCSTC
Duration of the project 1 year
Sanctioned Amount 17.90 Lakh Rupees
Objective of the Project

Science fair and exhibitions are of immense use to the students in the following regards:

  • To encourage and explore scientific talent among students.
  • To stimulate interest in science and technology and to inculcate skills in younger generations.
  • To encourage problem solving approach and to develop the appropriate technologies, especially for rural areas and integrating scientific ideas in real time situations.
  • To popularize science among masses creating an awareness regarding the role of science and technology in socio-economic and sustainable growth of the country
Principal Investigator(PI) Dr. Yathisha L

Associate Professor and Dean (Student Affairs)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

ATME College of Engineering

Co-Principal Investigator(Co-PI) Mr. Guruprasad K N

Assistant Professor 

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

ATME College of Engineering

Event Reports Scifest-Report-Mandya_Santhome-PU-College



Innovative ICT Enabled Co working Community Center design for rural development
Sanctioned Year 2021
Funding Agency DST-SEED
Duration of the project 3 years
Sanctioned Amount Up to 2,04,09,208/-
Objective of the Project
  1. Reduce the urban migration from rural areas instead provide a livelihood for the locals and improve their standard of living with the facilities available in urban areas
  2. Efficient use of technology and reap maximum benefits like training on being guides or new techniques of tailoring
  3. Improve the Education and skill development training for dropout students
Principal Investigator(PI) Dr. Mahesh P K

Professor  and HOD,

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

ATMECE, Mysuru


Co-Principal Investigator(Co-PI) Dr. Prakash Kuravatti

Associate Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

ATMECE, Mysuru.

Activity reports DST Project Report
List of Equipments & Facilities available at Lab Link

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)

AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy
Sanctioned Year 2023
Funding Agency

AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy

Duration of the project

6 Days

Sanctioned Amount

Rs. 3,50,000/-

Objective of the Project

Title of the Project: Six Days Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Trends and its Applications in Civil Engineering”
Objective of the Project:

  • Understanding the concepts of artificial neural networks, Soft Computing Techniques, Automation and Deep Learning

  • Practical implementation of all the techniques with real time applications

  • Developing skills in predictive analytics using various tools.


Dr. Seshadri Sekhar N


Department of Civil Engineering

ATMECE, Mysuru


Mr. Srivathsa H U Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering ATMECE, Mysuru

Mr. Puneeth K Assistant Professor Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering ATMECE, Mysuru

Event Report


Sanctioned Year 2021
Funding Agency AICTE-MODROB
Duration of the project 2 Years
Sanctioned Amount Rs 17,00,000/-
Objective of the Project Objective: Functional Aspects

Deployment of 100 hours virtual internship on ‘Cyber Security in Power Systems’ for 100 concurrent* interns across PAN India. 

Objectives: Infrastructural aspects – Software

1. Syllabus content for 100 hours on cyber security in power systems (as per scheme of delivery and assessment requirement** shown in Appendix-A). Should be supplemented with Videos, Quizzes, Assignments, Hands-on Practical Labs, and Projects with Real-world Case Studies. 

2. Conduction of virtual delivery and evaluation tools of objective 1 under ‘Infrastructural aspects – Software’ through IT teaching material.

3. Information and monitoring the Performances of Interns and their participation/usage.

Objectives: Infrastructural aspects – Hardware

1. Server to host and function for objectives 1, 2 and 3 under ‘Infrastructural aspects – Software’ 

2. Cloud infrastructure to connect Server (Objective 1 under ‘Infrastructural aspects – Hardware’) with 100 interns across PAN India 

3. Upgrading of existing systems in power system lab to conduct offline internship.

Principal Investigator(PI) Dr. Parthasarathy L

Professor and Head

Department of Electricals and Electronics Engineering

ATME College of Engineering

Co-Principal Investigator(Co-PI) Dr. Bhagyashree S R

Professor and Dean(Research)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

ATME College of Engineering

Enhancing New Technology in Microwave and Wireless Communication

Sanctioned Year 2021
Funding Agency AICTE-MODROB
Duration of the project 2 Years
Total Project Cost Rs 10,77,000/-
Objective of the Project

The main goal of the Lab is to contribute to the development of the competitiveness through innovation and knowledge transfer in the field of Wireless communications, Satellites communication, and Optical fiber communication, thereby achieve the excellence in technical education through research, development and innovation. The Advanced Communication Lab brings together the skills of scientific research and industrial needs on strategic sectors of common interest. This Lab also provides an enrichment of training for students who may find a practical and intellectual training ground with a close collaboration with industry. Thus, there is an urgent need for trained graduates, postgraduates or research scholars with hands on experience to support the industry. In view of said prospects, in various wireless communication technologies, it is proposed to establish “Advanced communication Laboratory”.

Principal Investigator(PI) Dr. Mahesh P K

Professor  and HOD,

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Research Avenues in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Allied areas

Sanctioned Year 2022
Funding Agency SERB 
Duration of the Seminar 3-Day Seminar
Sanctioned Amount Rs. 80,000/-
Objective of the Seminar This program aimed to provide opportunities to acquire research skills in the domain of AI and its allied areas such as Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, IoT, Cloud Computing, and Cyber Security.
Coordinators Dr. Naveen N M

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

ATMECE, Mysuru.

Dr. Putte Gowda D

Professor & Head

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

ATMECE, Mysuru.

Seminar Report Seminar Report

ATAL FDP on NEP-2020

Sanctioned Year 2021
Funding Agency AICTE
Duration of the FDP 1 Week
Sanctioned Amount Rs. 93,000/-
Objective of the FDP
  • To gain knowledge about National Education Policy.
  • To acquire skills that are helpful for the overall personality development along with human values.
Coordinators Dr. Bhagyashree S R

Professor and Dean(Research)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

ATME College of Engineering

Dr. Prathiba M K

Associate Professor 

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

ATME College of Engineering

FDP Report


Sanctioned Year 2022
Funding Agency AICTE
Duration of the Conference 2 days
Sanctioned Amount Up to 04,00,000/-
Objective of the FDP
  • Sharing and enhancing of knowledge
  • Networking of researchers working in similar domains
  • Collaborative research
  • Bridging the gap between Industry and Academia
Coordinators Dr. Suneeth Kumar


Department of Civil Engineering

ATMECE, Mysuru.

Mr. Manu Vijay 

Associate Professor 

Department of Civil Engineering

ATMECE, Mysuru.

Conference Report ICRTST_2022
Set Youtube Channel ID