ip stresser

Infrastructure & Facilities

Department has sufficient class rooms and most of them are equipped with projectors. All ten laboratories under VTU curriculum are well equipped. Carpet area of Department is 2025 Sq-m.

Department Library:

The library is having a collection of Titles with a total of 475 Technical & aptitude books. The student project reports are also available for quick reference for students.

Laboratories :

Electrical Machines Laboratory-1

This laboratory is utilized by the students to conduct experiments related to Transformers and Synchronous machines and gain practical experience on them. This laboratory supports teaching, research and consultancy work on Transformers & Synchronous machines. The laboratory can also be used for project work related to electrical machines and energy conversion.

Electronics Laboratory

The lab facilitates design and study of the performance of various analog electronic circuits & Digital circuits. Lab mainly concentrates on designing and analyzing of rectifiers, amplifiers, oscillators. It also concentrates on designing of counters and registers, demonstrating the truth table of various expressions and combinational circuits using logic gates. Lab is equipped with the basic electronic instruments such as Digital meters, Power supplies, function generators, IC tester kit, IC trainer kit, Digital Oscilloscopes etc

Electrical Machines Laboratory-2

The main objective of this lab is to give the knowledge of DC machines & Induction Machines to the students which help to increase the technical skills of students.

In this laboratory, we conduct various tests on D.C machines to find the losses, efficiency and study their characteristics and various tests on induction machines to study the performance and its characteristics

Op- amp and Linear ICs Laboratory

In this laboratory the students will be able to Study pin details, specifications, application features of IC741 (LM741) and IC555 (Timer). It mainly concentrates on designing and analyzing of precision rectifiers, amplifiers, oscillators, Signal Generators, Schmitt Trigger circuits and first order Butterworth Filters. It also concentrates on frequency response characteristics of Operational Amplifiers IC741 under Inverting and Non Inverting configurations. Laboratory is equipped with Digital meters, Power supplies, function generators, IC tester kit, Digital Oscilloscopes, IC trainer kit etc

Microcontroller Laboratory

This laboratory enables students to understand basic concepts and applications of Microcontrollers. It is designed to understand the internal organization of Intel 8051 Microcontrollers, and for all the control oriented applications extensively used.

Power Electronics Laboratory

This laboratory deals with studying the performance characteristics of power electronic switching devices like SCR, MOSFET, IGBT etc. Power Electronic control modules for speed control of separately excited dc motor, universal motor etc., are available.

Control System Laboratory

A control system plays a vital role in studying the stability studies of all electrical systems, which is highlighted in this laboratory. The analysis of Lag Lead compensator network, frequency response, effect of PID controllers, Speed torque Characteristics of AC & DC Servo motors, MATLAB programming for second order, third order & DC Position control system are taught to students.

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

In this laboratory the digital signals are simulated using octave software. The student will be simulating linear and circular convolution and also study the design and simulation of IIR an FIR filters using various methods.

Power System Simulation Laboratory

Laboratory is equipped with 24 computers with Mi-Power Simulation Package and LAN facility. Student can carry out load flow studies, short circuit analysis, Economic Dispatch and many power system related studies using MiPower.

Relay and High Voltage Laboratory

The laboratory is equipped with state of the art high voltage equipments to study the breakdown characteristics of air insulation for both uniform and non-uniform configurations.

In relay part, the laboratory has different types of electromechanical, microprocessor based relays and negative sequence relay, these characteristics are analyzed and protection scheme for generator and motor are studied.


 The Project Lab consists of Personal Computers, DC Power Supply, Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope, CRO (30MHz, 2 Channel 4 Trace) and other equipment’s which are provided for the  students, Students can work on 3-phase machines for performance study and also on DC motors provided in machines laboratory. Students and Faculty members utilize the laboratories for their mini projects, projects and research activities. The table given below indicates facilities and utilization of the project lab

Sl.  No. Facilities Utilization
1 Mi-power The students and faculty members utilize for their projects activities. The tool is useful for simulation and analyzing the power system network.
2 Keil micro vision 3 free version software tool and Microcontroller 8051. Projects work carried using microcontroller of students utilizes this facility.
3 P-Spice vision 9.1 free version software for implementation of power circuits. This software is used for simulation and verification of analog and mixed-signal circuits before the implementation of project work.
4 UPS facilities Used as backup Power to feed for Personal Computers System
5 100KW Solar Roof top Energy System online data Online data of power flow, Voltage profile, energy flow etc., are available to support for students projects.

 VTU Recognized R & D Centre

Research Laboratories

Research Center at Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is recognized by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. The research center emphasis on research under areas of specialization that include Power Systems Engineering.

University Year of Recognition Reference No.
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi 2016 VTU/ACA-RES-CEN/2016-17/7973

Instructional Materials:

  • ATME Library is a resource center for teaching, learning & research.
  • Library has e-Learning Centre, Reference Section and Journals/Magazines.
  • Library holds a hybrid collection of printed as well as electronic resources which include books, journals, databases, audio-visuals, CDs/DVDs, e-books, e-journals, reports, course materials; previous years’ question papers, Bound Volumes, Project Reports, case studies, conference proceedings, training manuals, etc.
  • As the e-journals access is IP based, the stakeholders can take benefit of this facility from anywhere in the campus at any time. Some of them are listed in table
1 IEEE Xplore Digital Library http://ieeexplore.ieee.org//
2 Science Direct http://www.sciencedirect.com/
3 Springer (E-Journals & E-Books) http://link.springer.com/
4 NPTEL online videos http://www.nptelvideos.com/
5 ProQuest http://search.proquest.com/

Major Equipment and Software Tools available in various Laboratories:


  • Dc regulated power supply model, Signal Generator and Cathode ray oscilloscope 30MHz (Digital Type & Analog Type)
  • Digital IC Trainer Kit and Digital IC Tester
  • Flash pro evaluation kit, LCD & keyboard interfacing kit, Dual DAC interfacing kit, Elevator interfacing kit Temperature controller interfacing kit, seven segment display and HEX Keyboard interfacing kit, Stepper Motor and DC Motor Interfacing kit.
  • Static Characteristics of SCR, MOSFET and IGBT Module. SCR triggering using UJT relaxation oscillator kit, SCR Digital firing circuit for 1 phase converter kit, Single phase full wave converter with R and RL load, Speed control of stepper motor module, IGBT based single phase inverter circuit, Speed control of Universal motor and Induction motor using AC voltage controller and Speed control of a Separately excited DC motor using an IGBT or MOSFET chopper.
  • Maxwell’s Inductance Bridge, Kelvin’s Double Bridge, Energy Meter Calibration Test Jig, CT Test Jig, Active and Reactive Power Measurement Test Jig and De-Sauty’s Capacitance Bridge.
  • Capacitor start and run Induction motor, 3 Phase Squirrel cage Induction motor,3 Phase Slip ring Induction motor, Single Phase transformer 2KVA/230V 1:1 transformer, 2KVA/230V 1:1 transformer with tapings at 0 to 50%, 86%, 100%.  1KVA/230V 1:1 transformer, Rheostat Load, 1 Phase and 3 Phase Autotransformer, Digital tachometer.
  • DC rectifier unit 220V, 100A with line and load regulation and protection circuit, DC Shunt Motor , DC shunt generator, DC Compound Motor , DC compound generator, DC series motor, salient pole alternator, auto start synchronous motor and non- salient pole alternator
  • Lead Network Kit, Lag – Lead Network Kit, PID Controller Kit, DC Servo Motor Kit, AC Servo Motor, Frequency Response and Time Response Characteristics of Second Order Systems and Synchro transmitter receiver pair Unit.
  • 50kV AC/70kV DC set, Rod Gap Apparatus, 62.5mm Sphere gap with water resistor, Over Voltage Electro Mechanical Relay Kit, Negative Sequence Relay Kit, Generator Protection & Motor Protection Scheme fault Study Unit, 60KV Oil Testing Kit, Over Current Relay –Directional Features and IDMT Directional, Numerical Relay Over/Under Voltage kit, Numerical Over Current relay kit and IDMT non-directional characteristics Relay Test Kit.
  • SERVER with Internet facility, Printers, Scanners and LCD Projectors


MiPower Software (8.0),  (Freeware Version- SCI Lab, PSpice, AutoCAD, Octave).

Facilities Provided:

Facilities for Students:

  1. Well Stocked Departmental Library
  2. Internet Facility for Browsing Technical Journals
  3. Online access to Journals
  4. Project Laboratory.
  5. Research level Mi-Power Licensed simulation software for Power system analysis.

 Facilities for Faculty:

  1. Well Stocked Department Library.
  2. Internet Facility with Wi-Fi connectivity.
  3. Online access to Journals.
  4. Study / Sabbatical leave for higher studies / industrial training.
  5. Maternity leave for ladies faculty.
  6. Transport facility for staff.
  7. Research Laboratory.
  8. Research level Mi-Power Licensed simulation software for Power system analysis.

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