ip stresser


Journals/ Conferences International National Total
Journals 42 42
Conferences 29 10 39

Text Books Published:

Text Book Author/s
Sensors and Transducers Dr. Parthasarathy L
Er. Kiran Pathak


Journal Reviewers:

Name Journal Type
Dr. Sathish KR IEI, Springer Journal International


Staff Achievements

  1. Dr. Shakunthala C, Associate Professor guided a Project titled “ Portable ventilator for Critical Healthcare Applications”, Won Best Project in international innovation project challenge at NMIT Bengaluru and Third place at state level technical fest Avagamah- project exhibition during the Academic Year 2022-23.
  2. Ms. Swapna H guided a Project titled “Smart Agriculture Farming Using Aeroponics System” carried out by the 8th semester students Mr. Chandan M, Mr. Tushar P V, Mr. Chandankumar B V and Ms. Sukruthi S has bagged 2nd Prize in the state level Project Competition – VriddhEEE organised by Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru on 28th April 2023 during the Academic Year 2022-23.
  3. Mrs Lakshmi K, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering guided Mr Prajwal S bearing USN
    4AD19EE419, 8 th  Sem,  for Presenting the paper. The student  participated and secured “1 st   Place” in the event “Paper Presentation” as a part of online 2021 IEEE PES Student Congress on “ Innovations in Electric Vehicle Sector” organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte in association with IEEE PES Bangalore Chapter during 17 th and 18 th December 2021.
  4. Mr  Shreeshayana R, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has received the “Best Project of the Year Award” by Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology for the AY 2020-21  for guiding the final year student project titled “Smart Personal Protective Equipment for Healthcare Workers to combat COVID-19”
  5. Mr Vinod Kumar P and Maria Sushma S, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering mentored in the proposal titled ” Automatic Door” Knob Sanitization using UV-C Light”  approved under Tycathon 2021.
  6. Dr. Sathish K R, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is awarded with Ph.D in the field of Power Systems under the Guidance of Dr T. Ananthapadmanabha in the year 2021 under VTU.
  7. Mr. Shreeshayana R, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering mentored in the proposal titled “Artificial Intelligence Based Smart Irrigation System” approved under MHRD Innovation Cell in the AY 2019-20.
  8. Mr  Shreeshayana R, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has received 200$ material financial assistance for the Project titled “Automated Fertilizer and Seed Vending Machine” by India Innovation Challenge Design Contest Texas Instruments in collaboration with Department of Science and Technology (DST), powered by AICTE mission for the AY 2019-20.
  9. Mr. Vinod Kumar P, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has received the “Best Project of the Year Award” by Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology for the AY 2018-19 for guiding the final year student project titled “Design of water waste collector by Seabin”
  10. Mr Vinod Kumar P, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is felicitated by ATMECE on the occasion of Teacher’s Day for receiving the ” Best Teacher Award” for the AY 2017-18.
  11. Mr Shreeshayana R, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is felicitated by ATMECE on the occasion of Teacher’s Day for receiving the” Best Teacher Award” for the AY 2016-17.
  12. Dr. Parthasarathy L, Professor and Head, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is awarded with Ph.D in the field of Power Systems under the Guidance of Dr T. Ananthapadmanabha in the year 2015 under VTU.
  13. Best Project of the Year Award by Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology”In the 44th Series Student project Programme organised by the Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology, Bengaluru, the Final year students of Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, ATMECE Ms.Simrah Fathima, Mr.Mohammed Huzaif, Mr.Hasebulla Baig, Mr.Syed Rawoof Ur Rahaman have won Best Project of the Year award for the project titled “Smart Personal Protective Equipment for Healthcare Workers to combat COVID-19”, under the Guidance of Mr.Shreeshayana R, Assistant Professor.Project Reference No: 44S_BE_3603

Electrical and Electronics Engineering 

 Project Title : Portable ventilator for Critical Healthcare Applications

The principle objective of this project is Artificial breathing at a low cost. It observes Spo2 level ,breath rate and air pressure. The proposed emergency ventilator is just a small version of the commercial ventilator that assists in breathing for patients suffering from breathing problems. These ventilators are for patients who require assistance with breathing due to lung disorders, and old age respiratory problems.
Won best project in international innovation project challenge at NMIT Bengaluru and Third place at state level technical fest Avagamah- project exhibition.


Best Project of the Year Award by Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology

In the 44th Series Student project Programme organised by the Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology, Bengaluru, the Final year students of Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, ATMECE Ms.Simrah Fathima, Mr.Mohammed Huzaif, Mr.Hasebulla Baig, Mr.Syed Rawoof Ur Rahaman have won Best Project of the Year award for the project titled “Smart Personal Protective Equipment for Healthcare Workers to combat COVID-19”, under the Guidance of Mr.Shreeshayana R, Assistant Professor.

Project Reference No: 44S_BE_3603

KSCST AY-2020-21

Funding by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) 


KSCST-List of projects selected under 44th Series of Student Project Program  for the year


SL. No.        Ref Code Title Name of the Students Project Guide(s)
1 44S_BE_2143 Smart Hydroponics Based Vegetable Cultivation Mr. Kiran Kumar G

Mr. Rohith D

Mr. Rakshith K N

Mr. Vin0d Kumar P Mr. Shreeshayana R
2 44S_BE_2158 Smart Robot for Library Management System(Srlms) Ms. Arpitha R

Ms. Priyanka Pd

Mr. Manoj Kn

Mr. Mohammed Shah Faisal Mp

Mr. Vinod Kumar P  Dr. Parthasarathy L
3 44S_BE_3603 Smart Personal Protective

Equipment for Healthcare

Workers to Combat Covid-19

Ms. Simrah Fathima

Mr. Haseebulla Baig

Mr. Mohammed Huzaif

Mr. Syed Rawoofur Rahman

Mr. Shreeshayana R

Funding by VTU for Final Year Projects of   2020-21.



Project Batch No Project Title Student Names Name of Guide
1 11 Smart Disinfection and Sanitization Tunnel Supritha R

Deepthi M

Kavya H M Lokesh D

Dr Shakunthala C
2 10 DC Electrification for Rural household with Energy

Monitoring System

Varun A

Tasmiya Douha

Manoj M


Mr. Raghavendra L

Students of ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru Winners in the Yi Virtual  Hackathon 

The Students of ATME College of Engineering, Department of Electrical & Electronics  have bagged third place in the InnovIndia: 2.0 flagship 24-hour virtual hackathon to build  prototypes and App based solutions that drive social impact and influence business transactions.

24-hour virtual hackathon was organized by Young Indians (Yi) Mysuru Chapter on 29th &  30th October 2021 and followed by Prize distribution ceremony. Total of 35 teams from Mysuru, Pune, Madurai and Erode Chapters have participated and presented their Ideas and prototypes. Among the above, One final year Project Team from ATMECE have secured third place and  received cash incentives for the Team Titled “Dementia Decliners” carried by Mr. Yaseen Ulla  Khan, Mr. Bharath S, Ms. Manasa H P and Mr. Fawaz Ahmed Khan under the Guidance of  Ms. Swapna H, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE. Management, Principal, HoD and Staff  congratulated and appreciated their efforts.

Virtual Hackathon Award Winners 

Mr. Yaseen Ulla Khan Mr. Bharath S Ms. Manasa H P  Mr. Fawaz Ahmed Khan

Team Shortlisted for Toycathon-2021

Toycathon 2021 is an inter-ministerial initiative organized by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell with support from All India Council for Technical Education, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of MSME, Ministry of Textiles and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

Category: Physical Toys

Idea Title: Automatic Door Knob Sanitisation using UV-C Light

Team ID: 10583

Team Name: Alpha

Team Mentor: Mr. Vinod Kumar P, Maria Sushma S

Assistant Professors

Team Members: Ms. Arpitha R, Ms. Priyanka P D, Mr. Manoj K N

Semester: VII

Branch: Electrical & Electronics Engineering

National Innovation Contest 2020: Institution’s Innovation Council

Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of MHRD’s Innovation Cell and AICTE has designed an annual innovation contest to identify the creative minds from IIC-Institutes and engage them in building innovations and nurturing into start-ups through series of mentoring, boot camps and international acceleration programs

Proposal approved by MHRD-Innovation Cell



Team Mentor: Mr. Shreeshayana R

Assistant Professor

Team Members:

Mr. Hemanth B S

Mr. Manjunatha K B

Semester: V

Branch: Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Students of ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru Winners in the Project  Competition

GSSSIETW, Mysuru in association with ISLE and IQAC had organised an Online Project  Exhibition competition on 17th July 2021. Final year students of Department of Electrical &  Electronics Engineering, ATMECE Ms.Simrah Fathima, Mr.Mohammed Huzaif, Mr.Hasebulla Baig,  Mr.Syed Rawoof Ur Rahaman won Best Project Work Award for the project titled “Smart PPE Kit  for Healthcare Workers”, under the Guidance of Mr.Shreeshayana R, Assistant Professor.

The Team also won 1st Place in the National Level Project Competition conducted by  ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru in association with IEEE (STB:35744) on 20th July 2021.  Management, Principal, HoD and Staff congratulated them for the achievement.

Best Project Work Award Winners

Team Shortlisted for Toycathon-2021

Toycathon 2021 is an inter-ministerial initiative organized by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell with support from All India Council for Technical Education, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of MSME, Ministry of Textiles and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

Category: Physical Toys

Idea Title: Automatic Door Knob Sanitisation using UV-C Light

Team ID: 10583

Team Name: Alpha

Team Mentor: Mr. Vinod Kumar P, Maria Sushma S

Assistant Professors

Team Members: Ms. Arpitha R, Ms. Priyanka P D, Mr. Manoj K N

Semester: VII

Branch: Electrical & Electronics Engineering

National Innovation Contest 2020: Institution’s Innovation Council

Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of MHRD’s Innovation Cell and AICTE has designed an annual innovation contest to identify the creative minds from IIC-Institutes and engage them in building innovations and nurturing into start-ups through series of mentoring, boot camps and international acceleration programs

Proposal approved by MHRD-Innovation Cell



Team Mentor: Mr. Shreeshayana R

Assistant Professor

Team Members:

Mr. Hemanth B S

Mr. Manjunatha K B

Semester: V

Branch: Electrical & Electronics Engineering

“State Level Technical Project Exhibition” 

The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru,  had organized a “State Level Technical Project Exhibition” under department association Quantum on  11th May 2019. 

Total of 43 Projects in the final year category and 22 projects under Hobby Project category participated in the event.

Two project batches, Automated Waste segregator with Composter by Harshitha BM, Abhijith  M, Rohith PN and Sneha Lincy Sequera of ATMECE, Mysuru and Automated flood gates using PLC by Tippeswamy J, Kumar M K, Thushar M S and Devaraj of VVIET, Mysuru won the 1st place.

Two project batches, Rapid prototyping using additive manufacturing by Manoj Gowda K,  Sajid Ahmed ES, Divya KR, Shambhavi KN of VVCE, Mysuru and Waste Management by Navvena G S, Hemanth N C, Abhilash H M of GMIT, Mandya won the 2nd place.

Two project batches, PLC controlled water bottle filling system by Thunga MN, Dashwitha S,  Devika Rani K and Vishal P of ATMECE, Mysuru and Monitoring of garbage and collection system  using IOT by vishwas A, Sachin M, Shilpa A N and Shivakumara C R of VVCE, Mysuru won the 3rd  place. 

The event was judged by Dr.S S Parthasarathy, Professor, Dept. of EEE, PESCE, Mandya, Dr.  S R Bhagyashree, Professor, Dept. of ECE, ATMECE, Mysuru, Mr.Gopala Reddy, Associate Professor,

Dept. of EEE, VVCE Mysuru, Dr.Mohan N, Associate Professor, Dept. of EEE, NIEIT, Mysuru and  Mr.Gagan Ganesh V, Production Manager, Kidvento, Mysuru.

Dr.Parthasarathy L, Professor and Head, Dept. of EEE, Faculty and students were present  during the event. Cash prize and certificates distributed to the prize winners and participants.

 Participation of Students in Technical Exhibition

Achievements in 2014-15

The ATME College of Engineering has bagged a rank in the undergraduate examination, held during the academic year 2014-15 under Visvesvaraya Technological University.

Student Ms.Saffena Shazia (USN 4AD11EE012) has secured 8th rank in Electrical and Electronics Engineering stream under VTU Exam scoring an average of 84.55%.

Winners at State Level Technical Project Competition “Avishkar” held at VVIET, Mysuru

Mr. Ashray Menon U (USN 4AD12EE006) , Mr. Lawrence D Moses (USN 4AD12EE020), Mr. Mahadevanayaka S (USN 4AD12EE022) , Mr. Prajwal H P (USN 4AD12EE028) of 7th semester Electrical & Electronics Engineering department, won 1st prize for their project titled “Single phase to three phase conversion using IGBT drive circuit”. In the same event Mr. Manoj Kumar H C (USN 4AD12EE023), Mr.Nehal H (USN 4AD12EE025), Mr.Sandesh M(4AD12EE035), Mr.Sreehari S(USN 4AD12EE042) won third prize for their project titled “Automated Irrigation System” in the State level Project competition “Avishkar” held at VVIET, Mysuru on 17th October 2015

Winners at zonal level seminar presentation from We school organization held at ATMECE, Mysuru

Mr.Lawrence D Moses(USN 4AD12EE020) and Mr.Nehal H (USN 4AD12EE025)of 8th semester, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering won first and second prizes respectively in the zonal level presentation on topics digital India, Swach Bharat, Stand up India, Incredible India etc from We school Organization held on 18-2-2016 at ATMECE, Mysuru

Shwetha V (USN 4AD12EE040), Shruthi C R(USN 4AD12EE039), Varun Kumar B C (USN 4AD13EE417), Kiran Kumar J (USN 4AD13EE409) of 8th semester won 3rd Prize for the Project Title “Electric Arm Gate” in the Zonal level intercollegiate project exhibition YANTRIX-2016

Jeevak Roy J (USN 4AD13EE014), Ehasan Ulla khan (USN 4AD13EE011), Deepa (4AD14EE403) of 8th semester Participated in the state level intercollegiate project exhibition YANTRIX-2017 organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering ATMECE on 26th May 2017 on the Project Titled “Motorized Wheel Chair for Paraplegia”

Mr Manjunath M won Champion award in the National level Karate competition in Chikmagalur, 2014-15

Ms.Kavya R & Ms.Swathi presented a Paper titled” Smart Irrigation system” in National level conference on Power systems and Industrial automation held on 22nd august, 2015 in GSSS, Mysore.

Mr.Ashray, Mr.Lawrence, Mr. Prajwal, Mr.Mahadevanaya presented a paper titled SWORD, in National level conference on Power systems and Industrial automation held on 22nd august,2015 in GSSSIT, Mysore.

Ms. Geetha N 2014 Batch, was honored the “Best Student Award” for the year 2013 by 16th Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) faculty convention held on 12-10-2013 at AMC College of Engineering, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru.


Best Project Award

Mr. Kumar S (USN 4AD14EE010), Mr. Mahadevanayaka S (USN 4AD12EE022) , Ms. DIVYASRI S (USN 4AD15EE405), Ms. CHAITRA S (USN 4AD14EE007)  of 8th semester Electrical & Electronics Engineering department, won 1st prize for their project titled “Dry running protection of submersible pump using PLC” in the State Level Open Day Project Exhibition, “Shakthi Sthaavara – 2018” organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women on 30th April 2018. The project was guided by Mr. Santhosh Kumar R, Assistant Professor, Dept, of EEE.

Best Technical Paper Award

Mr.Siddiq Ahmed Khan and Mr.Narashimamurthy  of 6th semester won Best Technical Paper Award for the Technical Paper titled “Experimental Determination of THD for different lighting loads” in the national conference on “Intelligent Energy Systems” NCIES-2018 organized by, GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women on 07th May 2018 under the guidance of Mr.Raghavendra L

KSCST Sponsorship

Mr.Ranjith Kumar G (4AD14EE421), Mr. Navaneet Prahlad Yavagal (4AD14EE020), Mr.Hemanth Kumar K (4AD15EE411), Ms.Manjushree (4AD14EE015) received sponsorship from the Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology in the 41st  Series Student Projects Programme: 2017 – 2018 for the project titled “Design of Motorized Wheelchair for Paraplegic” under the guidance of Mr.Shreeshayana R

 Consolation place at State Level Technical Project Competition “Avishkar” held at VVIET, Mysuru

Mr. C Gagan (4AD14EE006) , Mr. Syed Ismail Zabi Ulla (4AD14EE033)  and Mr. Mohammed Khadir (4AD15EE420)  of 8th semester participated and secured Consolation place in state level project competition “aavEEEshkar-7” for project title “Distinct Health Monitoring System on IOT” held at VVIET@ May 21ST 2018, Mysuru under the guidance of Mr.Vinod Kumar

Student Technical Paper Presentation

  • Ms.Varsha H N(4AD15EE044), Ms.Swathi K S (4AD15EE041) and Ms.Sanjana S (4AD15EE027) of 6th   semester presented paper on “Smart Irrigation System”  in one day Technical event “INPHASE-2018” a State Level Technical Symposium, sponsored by “Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme – III” on 17-04-2018 held at Sir. M V. Auditorium, NIE, Mysuru.
  • Mr.Sachin (4AD14EE028) and Pooja S (4AD14EE024 ) of 8th  semester presented paper on “Crop protection against wild animals using flow sensor” in one day Technical event “INPHASE-2018” a State Level Technical Symposium, sponsored by “Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme – III” on 17-04-2018 held at Sir. M V. Auditorium, NIE, Mysuru.

Best Projects for Academic Year 2017-18

SL. No. USN Student Name   Project Title Project Conducted at Guide Name
1 4AD14EE020 NavneetPralhadYavagal Semi-Automated Ergonomic Motorized Cultivator in Agriculture In House Mr.Shreeshayana R
4AD14EE421 Ranjith Kumar G
4AD14EE015 Manjushree M
4AD15EE411 Hemanth Kumar K
2 4AD14EE007 Chaitra S Dry Running Protection of Submersible pump using PLC In House Mr.Santhosh Kumar R
4AD14EE010 Kumar S
4AD15EE433 Sathyanarayana Y
4AD15EE405 Divyasri S
3 4AD15EE415 Keerthan M R Regenerative Electromechanical Cycle In House Mr.Sanjay S
4AD15EE416 Kiran H M
4AD15EE410 Harshavardhana V
4AD15EE422 Naveen Kumar K P

Academic Year- 2023-24


  • Mr. Vikyath KV of 3 rd sem from Electrical and Electronics Engineering has won the Gold Medal in the VTU State Level Wrestling Championship (70+ kg Category) for the year 2023-24 organized by KLS VDIT, Haliyal on 20 – 21 November 2023.

Academic Year 2019-20

University Representation

Sl  No Name of the Student Year / Branch Game
01 RACHANA Y L 4th yr., EE Softball
02 PALLAVI K R 4th yr., EE Softball
03 MONICA R 4th yr., EE Softball

Rachana Y L of 3rd EE dept. has been received cash award of 3500/- for representing VTU Softball Team for 3 times & Cricket Team.

University Blue 2019-20



Left to Right- Pallavi K R, Rachana Y L, Monica

Academic Year 2018-19

University Representation

Sl  No Name of the Student Year /Branch Game
01 Rachana Y L 3rd  yr., EE Cricket
05 Rachana Y L 3rd  yr., EE Softball


Rachana Y L of 3rd EE dept. has been received cash award of 3500/- for representing VTU Softball Team for 3 times & Cricket Team.

University Blue 2018-19


Rachana Y L, 3rd yr., EE

Cricket & Softball

Academic Year 2017-18

SL No. Name of Students Events Date Name of Program/ Organizer Awards/ certificate
1 Karthik  M U Cricket 6th– 11th  March 2018 NIE IT, Mysuru Winners
2 Karthik  M U Softball 22nd– 23rd  September 2017 NIEIT, Mysuru Winners
3 Nithin S Softball 23rd September 2017 NIEIT, Mysuru Winners
4 Goutham S L Softball 24th -23th September 2017 NIEIT, Mysuru Winners
5 Niranjan S Softball 25th -23th September 2017 NIEIT, Mysuru Winners
6 Karthik  M U Softball 15th March 2018 Sports Pavilion, Mysuru Winners
7 Nithin S Softball 15th March 2018 Sports Pavilion, Mysuru Winners
8 Goutham S L Softball 15th March 2018 Sports Pavilion, Mysuru Winners
9 Niranjan S Softball 15th March 2018 Sports Pavilion, Mysuru Winners
10 Kushalappa Hockey 28th April 2018 VVCE, Mysuru Participated
11 Mahadev Prasad C K Kho Kho 6th April 2018 NIE, Mysuru Participated
12 Harshan M Handball 13th March 2018 GCE, Ramnagara Participated
13 Karthik  M U Cricket 20th– 21st March 2018 RMYEC, Bellary Participated
14 Md. Huzaif Football 20th February 2018 PESCE, Mandya Participated
15 Nithin S Athletics 2nd– 7th November 2017 VTU Campus, Belagavi Participated
16 Niranjan S Athletics 3rd– 7th November 2017 VTU Campus, Belagavi Participated
17 Karthik Kumara P B Athletics 4th – 7th November 2017 VTU Campus, Belagavi Participated
18 Karthik  M U Cricket Selections 26th – 27th October 2017 SJCE, Mysuru Participated
19 Prapulla K Handball Selections 13th-14th  October 2017 GAT, B’lore Participated
20 Harshan M Handball Selections 11th -12th  October 2017 NCET, B’lore Participated
21 Prapulla K Throwball 6th October 2017 GSSSIETW, Mysuru Participated
22 Rachana Y L Throwball 6th October 2017 GSSSIETW, Mysuru Participated
23 Pallavi K R Throwball 6th October 2017 GSSSIETW, Mysuru Participated
24 Vignesh S P Basketball 27th – 28th  September 2017 SJCE, Mysuru Participated
25 Rachana Y L Table Tennis 28th – 29th August 2017 NIEIT, Mysuru Participated
26 Rachana Y L Badminton 28th – 29th August 2017 NIEIT, Mysuru Participated
27 Roshan B Badminton 28th – 29th August 2017 NIEIT, Mysuru Participated
28 Manoj K N Badminton 30th – 29th August 2017 NIEIT, Mysuru Participated
29 Karthik  M U VTU Softball Team 19th February to 02nd March 2018 M D University, Rohtak Participated
30 Rachana Y L VTU Softball Team 26th February to 09th  March 2018 Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar Participated
31 Prapulla K VTU Softball Team 26th February to 09th  March 2018 Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar Participated
32 Karthik  M U Cricket 03rd ,10th  & 12th  February 2018 Sports Pavilion, Mysuru Participated
33 Kushalappa Hockey 2nd February 2018 Sports Pavilion, Mysuru Participated
34 Md. Huzaif Football 1st February 2018 Sports Pavilion, Mysuru Participated
35 Vignesh S P Basketball 10th October 2017 Sports Pavilion, Mysuru Participated
36 Harshan M Handball 16th September 2017 Sports Pavilion, Mysuru Participated
37 Prapulla K Throwball 7th September 2017 Sports Pavilion, Mysuru Participated
38 Rachana Y L Throwball 7th September 2017 Sports Pavilion, Mysuru Participated
39 Pallavi K R Throwball 7th September 2017 Sports Pavilion, Mysuru Participated


Academic Year 2016-17

SL No. Name of Students Events Date Name of Program/ Organizer Awards/ certificate
1 Karthik M U Softball 02nd to 06th November 2016 DBIT, Bangalore Winners
2 Nithin S Softball 02nd to 06th November 2016 DBIT, Bangalore Winners
3 Goutham S L Softball 02nd to 06th November 2016 DBIT, Bangalore Winners
4 Nithin S Kabaddi 12th April 2017 GCE, Ramanagara Participated
5 Pradeep C V Kabaddi 12th April 2017 GCE, Ramanagara Participated
6 Chandan M P Kabaddi 12th April 2017 GCE, Ramanagara Participated
7 Mahadev Prasad C K Kho- Kho 06th -7th April 2017 BGSIT, B G Nagar Participated
8 Karthik M U Cricket 07th– 10th April 17 SJCE, Mysuru Participated
9 Nithin S Cricket 07th– 10th April 17 SJCE, Mysuru Participated
10 Prapulla K Handball 30th March 2017 to 1st April 2017 JNNCE, Shimoga Participated
11 Monica R Handball 30th March 2017 to 1st April 2017 JNNCE, Shimoga Participated
12 Preethi Jeswita Handball 30th March 2017 to 1st April 2017 JNNCE, Shimoga Participated
13 Rachana Y L Handball 30th March 2017 to 1st April 2017 JNNCE, Shimoga Participated
14 Harshan M Handball 27th March 2016 VVIET, Mysuru Participated
15 Shazim Shariff S Football 23rd March 2017 SJCE, Mysuru Participated
16 Syed Fazil Ahmed Football 23rd March 2017 SJCE, Mysuru Participated
17 Rachana Y L Athletics 14th – 19th November 2016 Dr TTIT, KGF Participated
18 Monica R Athletics 14th – 19th November 2016 Dr TTIT, KGF Participated
19 Nithin S Athletics 14th – 19th November 2016 Dr TTIT, KGF Participated
20 Goutham S L Athletics 14th -19th November 2016 Dr TTIT, KGF Participated
21 Prapulla K Softball 04th – 06th November 2016 DBIT, Bangalore Participated
22 Pallavi K R Softball 04th – 06th November 2016 DBIT, Bangalore Participated
23 Preethi Jeswita Softball 04th – 06th November 2016 DBIT, Bangalore Participated
24 Rachana Y L Softball 04th – 06th November 2016 DBIT, Bangalore Participated
25 Rachana Y L Throw ball 7th October 2016 NIEIT, Mysuru Participated
26 Prapulla K Throw ball 7th October 2016 NIEIT, Mysuru Participated
27 Pallavi K R Throw ball 7th October 2016 NIEIT, Mysuru Participated
28 Karthik M U Cricket Selections 01st to 03rd October. 2016 NIEIT, Mysuru Participated
29 Amrutha R Table Tennis (M&W) 27th– 28th September 2016 GSSSIETW, Mysuru Participated
30 Vignesh S P Basketball 6th September 2016 NIE, Mysuru Participated
31 Vignesh S P Netball 24th October 2016 NIEIT, Mysuru Participated
32 Kushalappa B B Hockey 30th October 2016 SJCE, Mysuru Participated



  1. Best Project of the Year Award by Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology

In the 44th Series Student project Programme organised by the Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology, Bengaluru, the Final year students of Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, ATMECE Ms.Simrah Fathima, Mr.Mohammed Huzaif, Mr.Hasebulla Baig, Mr.Syed Rawoof Ur Rahaman have won Best Project of the Year award for the project titled “Smart Personal Protective Equipment for Healthcare Workers to combat COVID-19”, under the Guidance of Mr.Shreeshayana R, Assistant Professor.

Project Reference No: 44S_BE_3603

Department of EEE, Placement Statistics Data  


Batch 2014-2018 2015-2019 2016-2020 2017-2021
No. of Students Placed(X) 33 29 34 20
Selected for Higher Studies(Y) 7 3 4
Opted Entrepreneurship(Z) 3
Total No. of Students(X+Y+Z) 43 32 38 20
No. of students (N) 60 44 72 54
Placement % 72.00% 72.00% 53.00% 37%
AVG. Salary 2.2LPA 2.4LPA 2.5LPA 3LPA
Median Salary 2.35LPA 2.2LPA 2.2LPA 2.6LPA
Highest Salary 3LPA 4.75LPA 5LPA 4.5LPA
Set Youtube Channel ID