ip stresser

Faculty Profile

Faculty Name: Dr. Chaitra T K

Designation: Assistant Professor

Program: Chemistry

Professional Experience:

Teaching: 06 Research: 05 Industry: 0

Contact Details

Email ID Official: chaitratk_ch@atme.edu.in Personal: chaitratk.chemistry@gmail.com
Vidwan ID https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/554916
Google Scholar ID https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OVbVs7IAAAAJ&hl=en
Scopus ID https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56809505100
Orcid ID https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-8795-2594
Web of Science Researcher ID https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/LBI-4096-2024
LinkedIn ID https://www.linkedin.com/in/chaitra-t-k-452b971a2/

Roles and Responsibilities: Institute Level

Academic Details


  • Ph.D. in Chemistry

Title of the thesis: Synthesis and corrosion inhibition behavior of some new heterocyclic derivatives on mild steel in acid media

  • M.Sc. in Chemistry
  • B.Sc (PCM)

Areas of Interest

  • Corrosion, Electrochemistry, Material Chemistry
Publication Details
Research Articles

  • Turuvekere KrishnamurthyChaitra, Kikkeri Narasimha Shetty Mohana, Harmesh Chander Tandon, Thermodynamic, electrochemical and quantum chemical evaluation of some triazole Schiff bases as mild steel corrosion inhibitors in acid media. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 211, 1026-1038, 2015 (Impact factor 5.3).
  • Turuvekere K. ChaitraKikkeri N. MohanaDoddahosuru M. GurudattHarmesh C. Tandon, Inhibition activity of new thiazole hydrazones towards mild steel corrosion in acid media by thermodynamic, electrochemical and quantum chemical methods, Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 67, 521- 531, 2016 (Impact factor 5.5).
  • T K Chaitra, K N Mohana, H C Tandon, Study of new thiazole based pyridine derivatives as potential corrosion inhibitors for mild steel: Theoretical and experimental approach. International Journal of Corrosion, Article ID 456901. doi.org/10.1155/2016/9532809, 2016.
  • Turuvekere K. Chaitra, Kikkeri N. Mohana, Harmesh C. Tandon, Comparative study of Levofloxacin and its amide derivative as efficient water soluble inhibitors for mild steel corrosion in hydrochloric acid solution. International Journal of Industrial Chemistry, 8, 1-15, 2017.
  • Turuvekere K. Chaitra, Kikkeri N. Mohana, Harmesh C. Tandon, Evaluation of newly synthesized hydrazones as mild steel corrosion inhibitors by adsorption, electrochemical, quantum chemical and morphological studies, Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 25, 45-55, 2017.
  • Turuvekere Krishnamurthy Chaitra, Kikkeri Narasimhashetty Mohana, Harmesh Chander Tandon, Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Corrosion Inhibition Performance of Molecules Containing Tert-Butyl Benzyl Group on Mild Steel in Acid Media, Journal of Bio Tribo Corrosion, 4, 25, 2018.
  • Narayana U. Kudva N, Sumana Y. Kotian, Vrushabendra Basavanna, Vicas C.S, Satish K. Byrappa, Shridevi D, Srikantamurthy Ningaiah, Turuvekere Krishnamurthy Chaitra, Srinivasa Murthy V, K. Byrappa , K. M. Lokanatha Rai, Synthesis, Characterization, and Evaluation of Biological Activities of Imidazolyl-Isoxazoline Analogue, Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 10 (6)7187 – 7197,2020.
Membership in Professional Bodies
2016 – Life Member

   Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Kolkata, INDIA

Honours/Awards/ Achievements
  • Secured Second prize in University level lecture competition conducted by Karnataka Rajya Vignana Parishath on 14/02/2009 at Tumakuru.
  • Secured First prize in University level science lecture competition conducted by Kalpataru Science College, Tiptur on 07/03/2009.
  • Received meritorious (RFSMS) fellowship from UGC for research work from 04/08/2015.
  • Secured highest marks in Chemistry and obtained highest number of prizes for extra-curricular activities in college during graduation at Kalpataru Science College, Tiptur.
  • Hosted many events including Teachers’ day organized by Mahajana Educational Society, Mysuru and Conferences held in DoS in Chemistry, Mahajana PG Centre and DoS in Chemistry, Sarada Vilas College.
FDPs/Conferences/Workshops/STTP/MOOC Certification
  • Participated in Faculty development programme conducted by NPTEL between January and April 2016 on the topic “Symmetry and Group Theory” and obtained Elite Grade.
  • Completed Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Advanced Materials and Applications” from 19/10/2020 to 23/10/2020 in National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru.
  • Completed Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Engineering Materials, Nano Science and Nano Technology” from 09/11/2020 to 13/11/2020 in Global Academy of Technology, Bengaluru.
  • Participated in NSS for three years and lead Karnataka team in National Integration Camp for Women organized by Duddupudi college, Sindhanur, Raichur in 2009.
  • Participated in Bio-diversity assessment, conservation and management camp held by Maithreya Institute for Environment and Rural Science and Hasiru Hejje, Mysuru in Konehalli in June 2009.
  • Attended national conference on “Recent trends in Chemical Research in SJCE, Mysuru on 3rd and 4th of January 2014.
  • Attended UGC sponsored two days national conference on “Recent trends in Chemical Biology: An overview” on 25th and 26th of October 2013 at Teresian college.
  • Attended “Science and Technology for education and health care”, a conference conducted by KSTA and JSS college, Ooty Road, Mysuru on 21/02/2014 and 22/01/2014.
  • Participated in technical workshop on Exploring SciFinder on 04/01/2014 at UOM, Mysuru.
  • Participated in National conference on Innovations in Chemical Sciences 2020 at 30th & 31st Jan 2020 held on DoS in Chemistry university of Mysore.

Oral Presentation

  • Presented a paper entitled “Electrochemical, thermodynamic and quantum chemical evaluation of some Schiff bases as mild steel corrosion inhibitors in hydrochloric acid media” on 30-01-2014 in National Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry in DOS in Chemistry, Manasagangothri, University of Mysore, Mysuru.
  • Presented a paper entitled “Corrosion inhibition study of some Pyridine Derivatives on Mild Steel: Theoretical and Experimental Approach” in “Current trends in Chemical biology” a conference conducted by JSS college of arts, commerce and science on 2nd and 3rd March 2015.

Poster Presentation

  • Presented a paper (poster) entitled “Anticorrosion potential of some drug based inhibitors for mild steel in hydrochloric acid media” in Indian Science Congress conference between 03/01/2016 and 07/01/2016 at UOM, Mysuru.
  • Presented a paper (poster) entitled “Adsorption, electrochemical, quantum chemical and morphological studies of newly synthesised hydrazones as mild steel corrosion inhibitors” in International Conference on Science And Technology: Future Challenges and Solutions (STFCS – 2016) on 08/08/2017 and 09/08/2017 in UOM, Mysuru.

Roles and Responsibilities: Institute Level

Subjects taught during teaching

Chemical Kinetics, Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory, Thermodynamics, Phase rule, Quantum Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Spectroscopy, Corrosion, Environmental chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, X-ray diffraction and Solid state chemistry, Material Chemistry

Roles and Responsibilities: Institute Level
  • Research publication Work
  • Guided project work of students
  • External examiner in practical exams at various institutions
  • Question paper setting for semester exams for MSc (Chemistry) students
  • Handling instruments in Laboratories
  • Participation in social welfare activities
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