ip stresser


Faculty Profile

Faculty Name: Dr. Oscar Abhishek

Designation: Associate Professor & Head

Program: MBA

Professional Experience: 20 years

Teaching: 13 years Research: 5 years Industry: 7 years

Contact Details

Email ID Official: oscarabhishek.mba@atme.edu.in Personal: oscarabhishek.mba@gmail.com

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Academic Details


  • Ph. D in Management Science from BIMS, University of Mysore, Mysuru in 2024
  • MBA from BIMS, University of Mysore, Mysuru in 2004
  • KSET in Management in 2015
  • M.Com from Karnataka State Open University, Mysuru in 2016
  • BBM from University of Mysore, Mysuru in 2002

Areas of Interest

  • Management
  • Advertising
  • Creative Writing
Publication Details
  1. Oscar Abhishek, S Praveen Kumar,(2021) “Problems and prospects of online classes during COVID-19 pandemic: A study”. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 8(8), 2349-5162.
  2. Oscar Abhishek, (2022)“Promotion of select government of India schemes on social media: A study of undergraduate students’ response in Mysuru”. Journal of Oriental Institute, 71, 0030-5324.
  3. Oscar Abhishek(2024) “Government rograms promoting sustainable development: A study on select government programs and media usage by Government of India”. International Journal for Novel Research and Development, 9(4).
FDPs/Conferences/Workshops/STTP/MOOC Certification


  1. IX Convention of Federation of Teachers Councils of Commerce and Management in Karnataka State Level Conference on “achieving Organizational Excellence through Business Education- Issues and Challenges” in February 2012
  2. ICSSR sponsored two day National conference on Financial Inclusion in India-Issues and Challenges in October 2012
  3. One day National level conference on Foreign direct investments-Perspectives and Challenges in April 2013
  4. One day National Seminar on Health Insurance in India-Issues and Challenges in Sept 2015
  5. One Day State Level Conference on Consolidation of Banking Sector in India: “Charting the Future” organized by Vidyavardhaka First Grade College, Mysuru during October 2017.
  6. Two day International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals organized by St. Philomenas College, Mysuru during Nov 2017.
  7. “Current Developments in Higher Education: Institutional Preparedness and Resilience organized by the Xavier Board for Higher Education in India, at Christ University Bengaluru held on 4th May 2024.


  1. Clevertize”, A one day workshop on Advertising, conducted by the SDM Institute of Management Development, Mysuru on 24th March 2012
  2. Research Methodology and Data Analysis’-An UGC Sponsored two day workshop organized by the Teresian College, Mysuru
  3. Three days hands on workshop on SPSS organized by the Centre for Proficiency Development and Placement Services University of Mysore, Mysuru from 8th to 10th November 2019
  4. FDP Workshop conducted by Dr. Shailaja Shastry organized by Vidya Vikas Educational Trust, Mysuru on 16th and 17th January 2013
  5. Three days National Level Faulty Development Program on “Research Methodological Issues v/s Linguistic Aspects of Research” organized by Vidya Vikas First Grade College in Collaboration with CIIL, Mysuru.
  6. Four- Day Faculty Development Program on “Research Methodology” organized by Department of Management Studies Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru from 2nd to 5th December 2020.
  7. Three Day Faculty Development Program on ‘Improving Instructional Quality’ organized by St. Joseph’s First Grade College, Jayalakshmipuram Mysuru from 9th to 11th February 2022.
  8. Two Day Faculty Development Program on Dynamics of Effective Facilitation in Higher Education, organized by St. Joseph’s First Grade College, Jayalakshmipuram, Mysuru from 14th to 15th April 2023.


  1. Webinar on “Statistics and Data Driven Decision”, organized by the Department of Commerce and Management, Vidyavardhaka First Grade College, Mysuru on 11th November 2020
  2. Webinar on “Emerging Entrepreneurs Under Covid-19 Crisis held on 6th June 2020, organized by St. Josephs First Grade College, Mysuru, Sheshadripuram Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
  3. Webinar on Application of ICT tools in Research on 10th & 11th June 2020, organized by Rai University, Ahmadabad.
  4. Webinar on “How to Publish Research Article in SCI Journals” using Info Graphic tools on 4th June 2020 organized by Rai University, Ahmadabad.
  5.  Seminar on “Current Developments in Higher Education: Institutional Preparedness and Resilience organized by the Xavier Board for Higher Education in India, at Christ University Bengaluru held on 4th May 2024.
Roles and Responsibilities: Institute Level
Assistant Professor in Department of MBA
Roles and Responsibilities: Department Level
Assistant Professor in Department of MBA
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